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Table of Contents
Manual of Policy and Procedures
Volume 5 - Line Procedures
Chapter 9 - Miscellaneous Line Procedures
5-09/000.00 - Emergency Aid Plan
5-09/000.05 - Responsibilities of Field Personnel
5-09/000.10 - Persons in Custody
5-09/000.15 - Sexual Assault and Blood Alcohol Cases - Laboratory Specimens
5-09/000.20 - Department Employee
5-09/002.00 - Portable Livescan Procedures
5-09/005.00 - Speech or Hearing Impaired Communications
5-09/005.10 - Communicating with Assistive Listening Devices
5-09/005.20 - Communicating in Writing
5-09/005.30 - Communicating Through a Sign Language Interpreter
5-09/005.40 - Communication Through Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf (TDD)
5-09/005.50 - Communications Through Computers
5-09/005.60 - Request for Emergency Services
5-09/010.00 - Reporting and Disposition Procedures for Stolen, Recovered, and Found Bicycles
5-09/010.05 - Unclaimed Bicycles
5-09/020.00 - Worthless Checks
5-09/030.00 - Domestic Violence
5-09/030.10 - Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE)
5-09/030.15 - Domestic Violence - Elder Abuse Liaison
5-09/040.00 - Temporary Restraining Orders/Injunctions
5-09/040.05 - Domestic Violence Prevention Act
5-09/040.06 - Verbal Service of Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
5-09/040.07 - Service of Domestic Violence Protective Order - Relinquishment of Firearms
5-09/040.10 - Enforcement of Temporary Restraining Orders and Injunctions in Family Law Cases
5-09/040.15 - Enforcement of Temporary Restraining Orders and Injunctions in Labor Disputes
5-09/045.00 - Protection of Victims/Witnesses
5-09/050.00 - Protection of Endangered Witness
5-09/060.00 - Public Safety Hazards
5-09/060.05 - Responsibility of the Field Divisions
5-09/060.10 - Responsibilities of Station/Unit Detectives
5-09/065.00 - Contact with Homeless Individuals
5-09/065.10 - Personal Property Belonging to a Homeless Person
5-09/070.00 - Alleged Mentally Ill Persons
5-09/070.05 - Emergency Detention
5-09/070.10 - Non-Detention Field Situations
5-09/070.15 - Station/Unit Mental Health Liaison Lieutenant's Responsibilities
5-09/070.20 - Authorized Escapee Apprehension by Stations/Unit
5-09/080.00 - Conservatee - Unauthorized Leave or Transfer
5-09/090.00 - Dead Bodies - Homicides, Suicides, Accidental and Natural
5-09/090.05 - Determination of Death
5-09/090.10 - Movement of Deceased Persons - Non-Coroner's Cases
5-09/090.15 - Movement of Deceased Persons - Coroner's Cases
5-09/090.20 - Disposition of Personal Property
5-09/090.25 - Reporting Procedure
5-09/090.30 - Notification of Next-Of-Kin
5-09/090.35 - Death Notifications of Foreign Nationals
5-09/100.00 - Strike Reports
5-09/110.00 - Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Enforcement or Violations
5-09/110.05 - Environmental Impact Reports Guidelines and Procedures
5-09/110.10 - Formal Requests for Comment on Other Discretionary Permits
5-09/120.00 - Missing Persons - (Definitions)
5-09/120.03 - Missing Persons
5-09/120.04 - Missing Person Checkoff Forms
5-09/120.05 - Missing Children
5-09/120.07 - California Child Safety Amber Network Procedures (Amber Alert)
5-09/120.10 - Child Noncritical
5-09/120.15 - Child - Critical (Phase I)
5-09/120.20 - Child - Critical (Phase II)
5-09/120.25 - Child - Critical (Phase III)
5-09/120.30 - Child's Picture - Television
5-09/120.35 - Child's Picture - Sheriff's Special Bulletin
5-09/120.40 - Found Missing Runaway Child
5-09/120.45 - Missing Child Turning Eighteen Years Old While Still Missing
5-09/120.50 - Missing Adults
5-09/120.55 - Returning or Locating a Missing Adult
5-09/120.60 - Courtesy Reports - Missing Persons
5-09/130.00 - Drug/Driving Under the Influence - Driver's History Check
5-09/140.00 - Transportation of Females
5-09/140.05 - Notification Prior to In-Custody Female Transportation
*Last Viewed*
5-09/140.15 - Scene of Apprehension - Alleged Mentally Ill
5-09/140.20 - In Custody At the Station
5-09/140.25 - Assistance to Citizens
5-09/150.00 - Sheriff's Online Reporting System (SORTS)
5-09/150.10 - Responsibilities
5-09/160.00 - Emergency Telephone Calls
5-09/170.00 - Patrol Rifle Deployment
5-09/170.05 - Authorized Patrol Rifles
5-09/170.10 - Qualifications for Patrol Rifle Use
5-09/170.20 - Reporting the Use of the Patrol Rifle *Rescinded*
5-09/170.25 - Patrol Rifle Issuance, Storage, and Maintenance
5-09/170.30 - Routine Field Deployment of the Patrol Rifle
5-09/180.00 - Firearms Processing
5-09/180.05 - Possession, Confiscation and Release of Firearms - Mentally Ill Persons
5-09/180.10 - Prohibited Possession - Seizure/Surrender of Assault Weapons
5-09/190.00 - Issuing New Serial Numbers for Pistols, Revolvers and Long Guns
5-09/200.00 - Emergency Driving Policies
5-09/200.05 - Civil/Criminal Liability
5-09/200.10 - Code 2
5-09/200.15 - Code 3 Defined
5-09/200.20 - Initiation of Code 3 Responses
5-09/200.25 - Use of Code 3 - Authority/Responsibility
5-09/200.30 - Vehicle Speeds
5-09/200.35 - Code 3 Vehicle Operation and Tactics
5-09/200.40 - Code 3 Responses to Critical Incidents
5-09/205.00 - Code 9 and Pre-Stop Coordination
5-09/210.00 - Pursuits
5-09/210.02 - Initiation of a Pursuit
5-09/210.04 - Pursuits Involving Police Motorcycles, Non Pursuit-Rated Police Vehicles or Vehicles Not Equipped with Overhead Emergency Lights, or Unmarked Police Vehicles
5-09/210.05 - Termination of a Pursuit
5-09/210.08 - Pursuit Re-Engagement
5-09/210.10 - Control of a Pursuit
5-09/210.12 - Aero Bureau Responsibility
5-09/210.15 - Pursuit - Vehicle Operation and Tactics
5-09/210.16 - Post Pursuit Tactics
5-09/210.17 - Pursuit Intervention Technique (PIT)
5-09/210.20 - Use of Firearms During Pursuits
5-09/210.25 - Inter-Agency Pursuits
5-09/210.30 - Pursuit Evaluation and Reporting
5-09/220.00 - Requests for Assistance
5-09/220.05 - Deputy Has Been Fired Upon
5-09/220.10 - Responding Field Units' Responsibilities
5-09/220.15 - Sheriff's Communications Center (SCC) - Notifications/Responsibilities
5-09/220.20 - Notifications/Reporting
5-09/220.50 - Foot Pursuits
5-09/230.00 - Deputy's Daily Work Sheet
5-09/240.00 - Vehicle Accident and Damage Reports
5-09/240.05 - Mechanical Defects And/Or Damages
5-09/240.10 - Tour of Duty Equipment Report
5-09/250.00 - Ride-Along Program
5-09/250.05 - Responsibility of Observers
5-09/250.10 - Personnel Responsibility
5-09/250.15 - Film Crews
5-09/260.00 - Sentry Dogs
5-09/265.00 - Canine Detection Program and Service Philosophy
5-09/265.05 - Canine Detection Program Requirements
5-09/265.10 - Special Enforcement Bureau Tactical Canine Deployment
5-09/265.15 - Scent Detection Canine Deployment
5-09/265.20 - Outside Agency Requests for Department Tactical Canines
5-09/265.25 - Outside Agency Tactical Canine Deployment
5-09/265.30 - Request for Explosive/Hazmat Canine Sweeps for Dignitary, V.I.P., and Special Events
5-09/265.35 - Selection and Acquisition of Department Canines
5-09/265.40 - Training Requirements for Department Canines and Handlers
5-09/265.45 - Storage and Transportation of Explosive Training Aids
5-09/265.50 - Maintenance of Department Canines
5-09/265.55 - Canine Breaks
5-09/265.60 - Accidental Bites by Canines
5-09/270.00 - Diplomatic and Consular Officials - Immunity
5-09/270.05 - Department Policy
5-09/270.10 - Diplomatic Officers
5-09/270.15 - Consular Officers Identification Samples
5-09/270.20 - Honorary Consuls
5-09/270.25 - Consular Premises, Archives, Documents, Etc.
5-09/270.30 - Procedure for Handling Selected Incidents Involving Diplomatic and Consular Officers
5-09/270.35 - Reporting Procedures
5-09/270.40 - LASD Consular Identification Samples - Retired - See section 5-09/270.15
5-09/271.00 - Immigration Inquiries and Notifications
5-09/280.00 - Weapons Aboard Aircraft, Procedure for Carrying
5-09/280.05 - Authority and Regulations
5-09/280.10 - Notification and Clearance Procedure (Flying Armed)
5-09/290.00 - Drug Abuse Clinics
5-09/300.00 - Alcoholism Council Referral
5-09/310.00 - Consumer Fraud Questionnaire (Form SH-CR-569 and SH-CR-569A)
5-09/320.00 - Indemnification for Victims of Crimes
5-09/320.05 - Victims of Violent Crimes Eligibility, Forms and Responsibility
5-09/320.10 - Good Samaritans Eligibility Forms and Responsibilities
5-09/320.15 - Department Responsibilities - Field Personnel
5-09/330.00 - Pawnshops - Stolen Property
5-09/330.10 - Major Crimes Bureau, Pawns and License Detail
5-09/330.20 - Investigation
5-09/330.30 - Disposal of Property
5-09/340.00 - Citizen Commendations
5-09/340.05 - Reporting Procedure
5-09/350.00 - Policy and Procedure for Sex Related Crimes
5-09/350.05 - Responsibilities of Station/Unit Personnel and Special Victims Bureau Personnel on Rape and Sexual Assault Cases
5-09/350.10 - Unit Commander's Responsibility on Sexual Assault Cases
5-09/350.15 - Crime Prevention and Public Appearance
5-09/360.00 - Cannabis (Marijuana) Incidents
5-09/360.05 - Cannabis (Marijuana)
5-09/360.10 - Notification
5-09/360.15 - Marijuana Incident Reporting Procedure [No Content]
5-09/360.20 - Responsibility for Filing Marijuana Incident Cases [No Content]
5-09/370.00 - Forfeiture Laws: Controlled Substance Incidents
5-09/370.05 - State Enforcement Policy and Guidelines
5-09/370.10 - State Enforcement Policy and Guidelines
5-09/370.15 - Federal Forfeiture Laws - Controlled Substance Incidents
5-09/370.20 - General Guidelines Concerning Forfeiture Proceedings
5-09/370.25 - Procedure for Invoking Forfeiture Laws
5-09/370.30 - State Forfeiture Law Exclusions
5-09/370.35 - Federal Forfeiture Law Exclusions
5-09/370.40 - Disposition of Property and Vehicles
5-09/380.20 - Field License Checks
5-09/380.30 - Restrictions on Personnel Carrying Personal Concealed Weapons
5-09/390.00 - Self-Defense Tear Gas Weapons
5-09/400.00 - Used Firearms Purchased for Departmental Use - Approval Procedure
5-09/410.00 - Telephone Subscriber Information
5-09/420.00 - Rent Control Laws
5-09/434.10 - Activation of Traffic Collision Response Team
5-09/434.20 - Executive Risk Review Committee
5-09/440.00 - Identification Photographs of Street Gang Members
5-09/460.00 - Alcoholic Beverages/Illegal Fireworks - Found/Seized - No Prosecution Sought
5-09/465.00 - Search Operations
5-09/465.10 - Search Operations - Risk Assessment
5-09/465.20 - Search Operations Preparation Check List
5-09/465.30 - Operations Plan Preparation
5-09/465.40 - Seizure of High Value Property During Search Operations
5-09/465.50 - Service of Search Warrants and Affidavits
5-09/465.60 - Post Search Operations Procedures
5-09/470.00 - Major Incident Scene Containment
5-09/470.05 - Homicide and Deputy Involved Shooting Scene Containment
5-09/475.00 - Photographs/Recordings at Scenes Where Human Remains are Present
5-09/480.00 - Notification to Police Agencies Prior to Entering Their Jurisdiction
5-09/490.00 - Terrorism Liaison Officers and Coordinators
5-09/490.10 - Notification Process for Potential Homeland Security Activity
5-09/500.00 - Outside Request to Use a Department Helipad
5-09/510.00 - Handling of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents - Policy
5-09/510.01 - Hate Crime and Hate Incidents - Definitions
5-09/510.02 - Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents – Planning and Prevention
5-09/510.03 - Handling of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents – Hate Crimes Coordinator
5-09/510.04 - Handling of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents – Initial Response
5-09/510.05 - Handling of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents – Supervision
5-09/510.06 - Handling of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents – Investigator and Station Detectives
5-09/510.07 - Handling of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents – Reporting Requirements
5-09/520.00 - Constitutional Policing and Stops
5-09/520.05 - Stops, Seizures, and Searches
5-09/520.10 - Backseat Detentions
5-09/520.15 - Consensual Encounters
5-09/520.20 - Logging Public Contacts
5-09/520.25 - Logging Field Activities
5-09/520.30 - Statistical Codes for Traffic, Pedestrian, and Bicycle Stops
5-09/530.00 - Suspect Identification Procedures
5-09/530.10 - Recording Admonishment to Witness and Arrays
5-09/530.20 - Photo Arrays
5-09/540.00 - Tarasoff Notifications Received From Licensed Psychotherapists
5-09/550.00 - Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR)
5-09/550.10 - General Administration
5-09/550.20 - Rules Applicable to All Capture, Access, and Use of ALPRs Data
5-09/550.30 - Field Protocols - Patrol
5-09/550.40 - Audit Protocols
5-09/550.50 - Data
5-09/560.00 - Interactions with Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Persons
5-09/570.00 - Unmanned Aircraft System
5-09/570.01 - Unmanned Aircraft System - Pilot Program Procedures
5-09/570.10 - Unmanned Aircraft System Procedures
5-09/580.00 - In-Service Standardized Symbols *RESCINDED* [No Content]
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