5-09/170.30 - Routine Field Deployment of the Patrol Rifle

The patrol rifle shall normally be carried locked in the rifle rack of patrol units equipped with a rack.  Otherwise, the rifle shall be carried in a Department-authorized case secured in the cargo-carrying area of the vehicle.  The rifle shall be carried with the bolt closed on an empty chamber, safety on, and a loaded magazine in the weapon.  

Magazines shall be loaded as follows: 30‑round magazines with 28 rounds or 20-round magazines with 18 rounds. 

Patrol rifles shall not be deployed in non‑supervisor patrol vehicles unless qualified personnel are assigned to that vehicle.

Patrol rifles shall be deployed in field supervisor vehicles.

The use of personally-owned rifle magazines is permitted, as long as they meet the criteria as specified by the Weapons Training Unit.  A list of magazine specifications will be maintained on the Weapons Training Unit intranet website.