5-09/170.25 - Patrol Rifle Issuance, Storage, and Maintenance

BC Armory personnel will issue Department-approved Patrol Rifles to units that have personnel who are currently qualified with the Patrol Rifle.  Each unit commander holds the discretion of individually assigning Patrol Rifles to those sworn personnel who maintain their Patrol Rifle qualification.  When a Department member who is assigned a Patrol Rifle transfers, their assigned Patrol Rifle SHALL remain with the unit of assignment; it shall not be taken to their new unit.  It will be the new unit commander’s discretion to issue the respective Department member a Patrol Rifle from that unit’s armory. 

Cleaning of the patrol rifle shall only be performed by personnel possessing current patrol rifle qualification.  Maintenance and repair shall be performed by armorers of the Weapons Training Unit.  Station/Unit personnel shall not disassemble or “field strip” patrol rifles except as required for cleaning purposes.  Field Strip and cleaning procedures shall be specified by the Weapons Training Unit and maintained on the Weapons Training Unit intranet website.  Unit commanders shall ensure that all equipment issued by the Weapons Training Unit associated with each Patrol Rifle – such as optics, magazines, flashlights, slings, and ammunition carriers – are accounted for and serviceable.  Optic batteries will be replaced annually by Weapons Training Unit personnel.  Batteries shall only be changed by the Weapons Training Unit.  Optics and accessories shall remain on the Patrol Rifle.