5-09/210.25 - Inter-Agency Pursuits

Notification by another law enforcement agency of a pursuit in progress shall not be construed as a request to join the pursuit.  The caller from the outside agency shall be specifically asked if they are making a request for assistance or merely making a notification.

Deputies shall not become involved in another agency's pursuit unless specifically authorized by their Watch Commander through SCC, unless it is clearly demonstrated that a lone unit from an outside agency is unable to request our assistance, or the emergent nature of the situation dictates the need for assistance by this Department.  In these instances, all departmental pursuit and Code 3 policies, including the requirement to immediately notify SCC, are in effect.

The Department member ( SCC or Department Unit) receiving notification of a pursuit by an outside agency shall carefully assess the circumstances to determine whether the pursuit is likely to enter Sheriff's jurisdiction.  Prior to making any radio broadcast, the person (SCC or unit) will obtain from the notifying department, the same information our primary pursuit unit is required to provide.  It is recognized that, especially in smaller agencies, this information may not be immediately available.

NOTE:  It is this Department’s policy to provide the requested assistance immediately while continuing to seek the remaining information.

When an outside agency or a Unit Watch Commander notifies SCC of its agency’s pursuit and our assistance is not required, SCC shall immediately make an “information only” broadcast on the appropriate Sheriff’s Department frequency to alert otherwise unsuspecting field personnel of the potential dangers of an approaching pursuit.  The “information only” broadcast shall advise units that our Department’s assistance is not being requested and not to become involved in the pursuit.  Any personnel who join in such a pursuit are in violation of this Department’s pursuit policy.

Requests by other agencies for pursuit assistance will likewise be broadcast by SCC and the first Sheriff's unit to join will be designated as the back-up unit.  Any additional assistance by this Department will be specifically authorized by the Station/Unit Watch Commander.  All Department procedures shall be in effect.

The Sheriff’s Department recognizes that there are differences between the pursuit policies of various agencies.  Should a circumstance arise wherein Sheriff’s personnel are requested to assist a lone or outnumbered officer(s) from another agency and the pursuit does not conform to Sheriff’s Department policy, the Watch Commander shall attempt to contact the agency and advise them that the pursuit is not within this Department’s policy and that Sheriff’s Department personnel will disengage as soon as sufficient initiating agency personnel can arrive.  The Sheriff’s Department will, under these circumstances, provide only such assistance as is reasonable and specifically requested and will disengage as soon as possible without sacrificing the safety of another agency’s personnel.  All other elements of this policy remain in effect.

The Sheriff’s Department will provide necessary assistance at the terminus of another agency’s pursuit.  The other agency remains in command of any ensuing tactical operation, unless they specifically request the Sheriff’s Department to take command.   All Sheriff’s Department personnel involved in these operations shall comply with existing Department policies.

When an LASD pursuit enters an outside jurisdiction, the Unit Watch Commander will ensure that the outside agency is immediately notified and will ensure that the operation is appropriately coordinated with that agency.  This notification may be done by phone or radio, and by personnel from the concerned Station/Unit, SCC, or an Aero unit via the Watch Commander.