5-09/320.10 - Good Samaritans Eligibility Forms and Responsibilities

The State compensates if the claimant was killed, injured or his property was damaged under any of the following circumstances:

  • Preventing the commission of a crime against the person or property of another;
  • Apprehending a criminal; and/or
  • Materially assisting a police officer to prevent a crime or apprehend a criminal.

BC Form VOC-100 is to be completed in duplicate and mailed by the claimant to the State’s Victim Compensations and Government Claims Board within one year after the occurrence.

This form requires verification and a recommendation of the law enforcement agency involved.  This form may be initiated by a law enforcement agency on behalf of an individual.

Claims verified and recommended by letter under this program shall have the approval of the appropriate Division Chief before being forwarded to the State’s Victim Compensations and Government Claims Board or before being released to the individual for mailing.