5-09/200.20 - Initiation of Code 3 Responses

Desk personnel receiving calls shall identify those requiring emergency response and shall dispatch field units Code 3. The following emergencies are examples of operations that may require Code 3 responses:

  • Officer needs assistance;
  • Traffic accidents with injuries;
  • Baby/person choking;
  • Breathing ceased/heart stopped;
  • Blood runs; and/or
  • Felony in progress/just occurred, suspect in area.

Desk personnel are encouraged, when appropriate, to provide a Code 3 designation with emergency calls.  Field personnel should not normally initiate a Code 3 response based upon an emergency call received without Code 3 authorization, since desk personnel usually have better information upon which to determine the appropriate response.

A Code 3 response may not be appropriate in a medical emergency where another agency has previously dispatched emergency assistance (Example:  A Code 3 response to a medical emergency may be inappropriate when the fire department is the informant on a rescue call).

It is imperative that, under circumstances indicating the possible need of emergency services, Code 3 emergency driving policies be employed.  Any doubt concerning emergency circumstances or questions of jurisdiction should be resolved by responding Code 3.  However, acting without due regard for the safety of others while operating in an emergency driving mode may subject employees to administrative action.