5-09/220.00 - Requests for Assistance

When a Deputy in the field is involved in a situation where help is needed, he must be aware that a nonspecific request will result in an uncoordinated response.  This may be a greater hazard to life and property than the originating incident.  He must minimize this hazard by giving the following information:

  • Unit;
  • Exact location;
  • Reason for the request;
  • Specify "assistance" if emergent;
  • Use "backup" if routine; and
  • Number of units required to handle the situation:
    • One, two or more units may be obtained by stating the number required;
    • 997 - the five units with the shortest estimated time of arrival (ETA) will respond.  Aero will automatically be requested by SCC; and
    • 999 - an extreme emergency, more than five units will respond.  Aero will automatically be requested by SCC.

The Deputy making the request shall remain near the radio long enough to determine that his call has been received by the Sheriff's communications operator.  Additionally, he shall establish a radio command post as soon as possible to provide status reports, to coordinate the efforts of arriving units, and to confirm that adequate assistance actually arrives.

When the Codes 997, 998 or 999 are used, command and control of the response shall be handled by the Station/Unit Watch Commander with the assistance of the SCC Sergeant.  SCC personnel shall summon the Aero unit with the shortest ETA, including any contract city patrol helicopters.  As the situation becomes better defined, the Watch Commander will limit the response appropriately.

In dispatching assistance, desk personnel and the Sheriff's communications operator shall coordinate efforts to provide timely assistance from any available resource.  Coordination of efforts is greatly facilitated when adequate assistance can be obtained in the following order:

  • From Station/Unit resources;
  • From adjacent Station/Unit; and
  • From other agencies.

When a request for Code 3 assistance is received from another law enforcement agency, a controlled response shall be initiated and coordinated as outlined in this section.