5-09/010.05 - Unclaimed Bicycles

Recovered and found bicycles that have not been claimed within 10-30 days (dependent upon Station storage facilities) or after Station/Unit detectives' investigation has been completed, shall be released to the Central Property custodian.

The Central Property custodian shall accept only those bicycles which have been processed as follows:

  • The bicycle tag has been completed indicating Station/Unit, date, correct frame number, etc., the proper disposition entered and the tag signed by the investigating detective;
  • Bicycles having a valid license attached should also have a certification on the bicycle tag by the investigating detective to the effect that either the registered owner has moved and cannot be located, or that the owner does not want the bicycle; and
  • Bicycles ready for acceptance have been segregated in the bicycle storage area of the Station.

A copy of the JDIC record status must accompany each bicycle. AProperty Control Card (76P791-CR-37) shall be written for bicycles being transferred, prior to delivery. The Central Property custodian shall retain the bicycle for a minimum period of three months from the recovery date unless a properly identified legal owner claims the property.