5-09/000.10 - Persons in Custody

The following procedures shall be followed when a person in custody at a Department facility, including court lockups, becomes ill or injured.

In most emergency situations, paramedics are called and they request the ambulance. When the paramedics do not feel that an emergency exists or that an ambulance is necessary, but recommend the individual be taken to a hospital or doctor, the Station or Unit personnel shall arrange/provide transportation. Nonemergent cases shall normally be transported to LAC and USE Medical Center Jail Wards by Department vehicle.

An ambulance is to be used only for transporting sick and/or injured in-custody patients requiring emergency medical care.

If paramedics have not arrived and it is apparent that an emergency exists and the situation requires an ambulance for transportation, a contract ambulance company shall be called.

Persons in custody shall be searched for concealed or dangerous weapons prior to being placed in the ambulance, if feasible. Otherwise, such search shall be made when the doctor in attendance permits. A Deputy shall accompany persons in custody and shall obtain the names of doctor, ambulance driver, etc. and pertinent information on the condition of the injured person for the report. This information shall be documented in a supplemental report using the original URN.

Handcuffs shall be used on injured prisoners or persons in custody except in those cases where their use is prohibited due to their injuries or physical condition. Handcuffs may be placed on the prisoner with his hands in front to allow him to be placed on a stretcher.

Patients transported by ambulance will normally be transported to the nearest County-operated emergency room unless the situation dictates otherwise. The Deputy accompanying the patient shall complete the In-Custody Medical Treatment Form for the hospital and receive a copy for his report. If the inmate has been released, the handling Deputy shall include the disposition, i.e., “Inmate Released - Cite # 1234567 issued,” which will inform the hospital that the individual is no longer in our custody.

Under no circumstance will the ambulance company be requested to return an employee to their Unit. The Unit shall arrange/provide for such transportation.

In the event an injured prisoner or person in custody requires further immediate medical attention unavailable at the emergency contract hospital, the Deputy shall telephone his Watch Sergeant, notify him of the circumstances and furnish the following information:

  • Name and age of the prisoner;
  • Possible diagnosis; and
  • Reason for the request for emergency transportation.

The Watch Sergeant shall contact the LAC and USC Medical Alert Center for transportation arrangements.

A record of the names of doctors, ambulance drivers and attendants, time of request and time of arrival shall be obtained for the Deputy’s report.