5-09/060.05 - Responsibility of the Field Divisions

When any public hazard comes to the attention of the Field Divisions, a preliminary investigation shall be conducted to determine whether there is a violation. Where applicable, remove, or have the owner remove, or abate the hazard if such can be accomplished at the time of the preliminary investigation; however, if this cannot be accomplished immediately and the hazard warrants warning devices, appropriate steps shall be taken to provide them. The hazard shall not be left untended until the warnings are in place.

The field unit handling the preliminary investigation shall submit an Incident Report (SH-R-49) which shall include the following information:

  • Specific location, description of the property and hazard;
  • If the hazard is an excavation, the description shall include the approximate size and depth, contents, covering, fencing, location in relationship to the nearest highway and estimated number of residents within one-half mile of the excavation;
  • Name of the owner or person in possession or control of the property,
  • Name of the person making or maintaining the hazard; and
  • What action was taken to temporarily remove or abate the hazard.

The area car shall make periodic patrol checks of the hazard until it is corrected.