5-09/120.35 - Child's Picture - Sheriff's Special Bulletin

When the investigating detective considers it necessary for a Sheriff's Special Bulletin (SH-AD-267) to be printed in a missing child case, he shall obtain a clear photograph of the child, preferably a full face, and the date the photograph was taken.  He shall contact Homicide Bureau, Missing Persons Detail.  This detail shall prepare the format including the physical description and any information that would be of assistance in locating the missing child.  An original and one copy of the Printing Request (SH-AD-1) shall be completed and shall be approved by the Homicide Bureau Commander.  Picture, format and printing request shall be completed and shall be delivered to Printing Management, Fiscal Administration. Homicide Bureau, Missing Persons Detail, shall be responsible for routing the bulletin to all concerned agencies and for its cancellation when the child is located.