5-09/310.00 - Consumer Fraud Questionnaire (Form SH-CR-569 and SH-CR-569A)

Following preliminary investigation of the complaint, it shall be the decision of the Field Deputy to initiate a criminal report or to issue a Consumer Fraud Questionnaire.  It is imperative that Department personnel guard against referring all fraud complaints via this form.  Citizens' complaints that are unquestionably criminal in nature, or appear to be criminal in nature, must still be reported as specific crimes or suspicious circumstances.  If the information presented by the complaining citizen has no apparent criminal elements and the citizen believes he has been victimized, the Consumer Fraud Questionnaire will be utilized.  SH-CR-569-A is the Spanish version of this form.

If the form is used, the Deputy shall sign and date in the appropriate space and advise the citizen of the following:

  • Read the introductory information prior to completing the form;
  • Upon completion of the form, mail to the address noted or take it to the nearest Sheriff's Station;
  • Upon receipt of the form, the Forgery/Fraud Detail will examine the contents and determine either to:
    • File a criminal complaint;
    • Mediate the complaint;
    • File a civil injunction through the Consumer Protection Division of the District Attorney's Office; and
    • Refer the matter to a state or local agency having jurisdiction;
  • Assure the citizen that he will be notified.