5-09/460.00 - Alcoholic Beverages/Illegal Fireworks - Found/Seized - No Prosecution Sought

The following procedures shall be utilized when alcoholic beverages or illegal fireworks are seized/found, prosecution is not appropriate and returning the contraband is inappropriate.

Deputies taking possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal fireworks under these circumstances shall:

  • Make an appropriate log entry in the Deputy's Daily Work Sheet (SH-CR-73), including the items found/seized and utilizing the designated monthly URN;
  • Place the contraband in the evidence locker in the designated container; and
  • List the seized/found contraband on the Alcoholic Beverages/Illegal Fireworks - Not for Prosecution Record Form (SH-R-400).

The Watch Sergeant or other person designated by the Unit Commander shall ensure that:

  • On the first day of each month an URN is designated for these incidents and posted for briefings.  This URN shall include:
    • The Station's/Unit control number (i.e., Lennox - 0300, Carson - 1600); and
    • Statistical code 444 (other, noncriminal).

A different URN shall be designated for the Independence Day fireworks season.

  • At the end of every month, an Incident Report (SH-R-49) is processed covering all incidents under the designated URN, and include:
    • The designated URN described;
    • Classification line indicating "Found property-Suspicious Circumstances" and listing possible misdemeanor/infraction violations;
    • A brief narrative explaining that either alcoholic beverages or fireworks were found or legally seized at various locations, prosecution will not be sought and the contraband will be destroyed; and
    • Copies of the Alcoholic Beverages/Illegal Fireworks - Not for Prosecution Record Forms, listing all beverages or all fireworks confiscated under the one URN.

Each month an entry shall be made in the Master Property Control Ledger reflecting the aggregate totals of contraband obtained under an assigned URN.

  • Thirty days after processing the SH-R-49, a Supplemental Report (SH-R-2) shall be completed, listing:
    • Itemized amounts of contraband;
    • Date, time and method of destruction;
    • Supervisor witnessing the destruction; and
    • Inactivate the URN.

The Unit Commander shall designate a Lieutenant to witness and ensure that all contraband obtained during a monthly period is disposed of as follows:

  • Destruction of alcoholic beverages involves emptying the entire content of each beverage container into an appropriate basin with flushing water and disposing of the empty containers; and
  • Contraband fireworks shall be released to the County Fire Department, Fire Prevention Team, for destruction.  A signature from a member of this team on the Incident Report will suffice as a receipt.

Since fireworks can be disposed of immediately after the Independence Holiday season, a Supplemental Report will not be required.  All information can be incorporated into the first report.