5-09/465.00 - Search Operations

Search operations are defined as service of search warrants, probation and parole searches, and pre-planned warrantless searches of fixed locations (structures, yards, vehicles at the location, etc.).  This policy does not apply to searches of vehicles on public roads.  It does not apply to personnel conducting routine searches in response to calls-for-service or in immediate response to field observations.


When planning a search operation, the paramount concern will always be for the safety of the public, our personnel, and, to the greatest extent possible, the protection of property.


Planning is a prerequisite for any successful operation.  In emergent circumstances which do not allow for detailed advance planning, risk assessment factors (section 5-09/465.10, Search Operations - Risk Assessment) relating to officer safety should still be considered.


Narcotics Bureau shall be notified in all situations relating to possession for sale or sale of narcotics, dangerous drugs, or felony sale of cannabis where follow-up investigation, a consent search of a location, or the acquisition and service of a search warrant is necessary.  Such cases shall generally be the responsibility of the Narcotics Bureau.  Station/unit personnel shall request Narcotics Bureau to conduct the appropriate inquiry into the L.A. Clearinghouse, and/or any other related intelligence clearinghouses to establish that there are no conflicting investigations.


Deputy personnel assigned to multi-jurisdictional task forces which are operated and managed by other agencies (e.g., Drug Enforcement Administration, Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement, Federal Bureau of Investigation, L.A. IMPACT, etc.) shall follow the standard operating procedures of the agency operating the task force, the instructions of its supervisors and managers, and any memorandum of understanding between the task force and the Sheriff’s Department.


The incident commander shall be responsible for coordinating Code 20 information.  The Sheriff's Information Bureau shall be advised when press or media inquiries are anticipated so that a representative of that bureau can be available.