5-09/320.15 - Department Responsibilities - Field Personnel

Field personnel shall advise victims who qualify for victim/witness assistance of the existence and locations of local victim centers.  At the end of the report, under "notifications," the date, time and place of the advisement will be entered.  If the person informed regarding the victim/witness program is other than the victim, enter the name, address and relationship of that person in the first report.

When notification cannot or is not made, the reasons shall be stated in the notifications portion of the report along with any additional information which might aid the investigator in making a notification.


Each member assigned to investigate a crime wherein the victim may be eligible to file a claim shall ascertain if the victim is aware of his eligibility.  If the victim or his family has not been advised, the investigator will follow the same procedure as outlined for field personnel including the notifications entered in the supplemental report.

Investigators shall immediately notify the State’s Victim Compensations and Government Claims Board whenever a victim, and possible claimant, refuses to cooperate in an investigation that may lead to the apprehension and conviction of the suspect.

Reports and Information

We shall provide to the designated local victim center, upon request, a complete copy of all reports involving the crime, public offense, or incident giving rise to a claim.

The Department may withhold the names of witnesses or informants from the victim centers if the release of such names would be detrimental to the parties or an investigation.