5-09/000.05 - Responsibilities of Field Personnel

When a call for emergent medical services is received by Station/Unit desk personnel, they shall be responsible for prompt notification to the County Fire Department dispatcher. A field unit shall also be dispatched to the scene of an emergency.

When a suspect is arrested and requires emergency medical care, he shall be transported by ambulance to the nearest contract hospital. Normally, in an emergency situation, paramedics are present and will request the ambulance.

At the hospital, the handling Deputy shall complete the In-Custody Medical Treatment Form. If the inmate has been released, the handling Deputy shall include the disposition, i.e., “Inmate Released - Cite # 1234567 issued,” which will inform the hospital that the individual is no longer in our custody.  The Deputy will receive a copy which shall be attached to the report.

In-Custody Medical Treatment Forms are to be used only for persons arrested and in the custody of the Department.

When a suspect is arrested and requires nonemergent medical care they shall normally be transported to LAC and USC Medical Center Jail Wards by Department vehicle, not by an ambulance.

When a juvenile is injured, the procedures governing emergency treatment for juveniles in the Juveniles chapter shall be observed.

Make complaint reports only when:

  • A crime is involved;
  • Injured as result of traffic accident; or
  • Gross negligence.