3-05-050 Parking Regulations for Personnel

Reference: 21113 (A) CVCC; 15.64.270 LACC, and 15.64.410 LACC; CDM 3-01/070.00; MPP 3-01/090.25, 3-01/030.10


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the use of employee parking lots by Men’s Central Jail (MCJ) personnel. 


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working at MCJ.


Employees at MCJ may park in the four story parking structure or the ten story parking structure.

Oversized vehicles may park in the oversized vehicle spaces at the entrance of the ten story parking structure.  The following vehicles qualify as “oversized”:

  1. any truck, van, motorhome, private, or commercial vehicle above the height of 6 feet 8 inches; or
  2. any truck, van, motorhome, private, or commercial vehicle longer than 20 feet, but under 6 feet 8 inches in height.


  1. Trucks with extra cab and long bed
  2. Trucks with crew cab and short bed
  3. Extended vans
  4. Motorhomes longer than 20 feet
  5. Motorhomes 6 feet, 8 inches high or greater
  6. Off-road vehicles 6 feet, 8 inches high or greater


The restricted use of the parking structure is regulated by Section 21113(A) C.V.C., Title 15, and sections 15.64.270 and 15.64.410 of the Los Angeles County Code.  Vehicles found in violation of any of the above referenced sections may be issued a citation for the appropriate violation(s).  Vehicles illegally parked in the "No Parking" zones may be towed at the owner's expense under C.V.C. section 22658(A).

Personnel who park their vehicles in an unlawful manner, or in a space specifically designated for another, or in an unauthorized position or space, will be cited and/or towed at owner's expense.  For additional information, refer to Custody Division Manual (CDM) section, 3-01/070.00 “Parking.”

Any issues regarding these procedures may be directed to the MCJ Logistics office at [REDACTED TEXT], between 0530 and 1700 hours, Monday through Friday, or Custody Support Services (CSS) at [REDACTED TEXT], between 0600 and 1700, Monday through Friday.



Revision Date 02/20/20

Revision Date 06/22/17

Revision Date 01/11/16

Revision Date 12/08/08