The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for requesting emergency medical services for seriously injured or sick County employees.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and/or working in any capacity at Men’s Central Jail (MCJ).
When an employee is seriously injured or sick, the first person on the scene shall immediately determine what type of emergency response is necessary. The first responder shall render first aid, if needed, and notify the Main Control supervising line deputy (SLD) and medical staff of the situation.
If an ambulance or paramedics are needed, the Main Control SLD shall be notified and responsible for contacting Los Angeles City Fire Department dispatch at (213)847-5360 or 911 to initiate a response. The Main Control SLD shall also notify the watch commander who will send a sergeant to the scene. It shall be the responsibility of the Main Control SLD to start a log of the incident and keep the watch commander informed of all conditions.
Whenever an employee is to be transported to a local hospital, the Main Control SLD shall notify the hospital so they can expedite reception and admittance.