The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for inmates’ access to outdoor exercise and indoor recreation.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and/or working at Men’s Central Jail (MCJ).
Per the California Code of Regulations Title 15, Section 1065(a), inmates shall be given an opportunity for a minimum of ten (10) hours of out of cell time distributed over a seven (7) day period. The out of cell time shall consist of at least three (3) hours of exercise, and seven (7) hours of recreation time.
Exercise Time
Both the [REDACTED TEXT] and [REDACTED TEXT] exercise yards shall be utilized seven (7) days a week. The daily exercise period shall be between 0600 hours and 2200 hours. Each inmate shall be given the opportunity to exercise three (3) hours a week.
- General Exercise Procedures for All Inmates
- The roof deputies shall monitor the movement, activities, and security of all inmates when they are in the exercise yard. Inmates shall be escorted to the
exercise yard in groups based on their housing locations by a minimum of two (2)
- When inmates are present in the exercise yard, the security posts shall be manned.
- There shall be a minimum of [REDACTED TEXT] along the rear, northern wall of the [REDACTED TEXT]-exercise yard while inmates are in the exercise yard. In the event there are restrictive housing inmates utilizing the [REDACTED TEXT]-exercise yard, the security deputy shall conduct a Title 15 security check at least every thirty (30) minutes.
- There shall be a minimum of [REDACTED TEXT] inside the [REDACTED TEXT] Booth at all times. A minimum of [REDACTED TEXT] shall be assigned to the roof above the exercise yard (outside security) maintaining constant visual contact with the inmates in the exercise yard. If any of these positions are not staffed, the exercise yard shall be closed until the positions are filled.
- There shall always be a minimum of [REDACTED TEXT] assigned to the outside perimeter of the [REDACTED TEXT]-exercise yard and a minimum of [REDACTED TEXT] assigned inside the booth when inmates are in the exercise yard.
- [REDACTED TEXT]-Roof deputies must remain at their posts after the first line of inmates are escorted to the exercise yard. Floor rovers and a floor movement deputy shall assist in the movement and searching of roof lines.
- When the roof deputies arrive on the designated floor, they shall notify floor personnel of which module will be going to the exercise yard and request for assistance from the floor rovers and movement deputies.
- To maintain the safety and security of the [REDACTED TEXT]-exercise yard, the following escorting procedures shall be followed:
- At the beginning of their shift, the [REDACTED TEXT]-Roof personnel shall notify [REDACTED TEXT] and [REDACTED TEXT]-floor supervisors of the times and housing locations that will be escorted to the exercise yard.
- The [REDACTED TEXT] and [REDACTED TEXT] floor supervisors shall designate personnel with special weapons to assist with searching and escorting the inmates to the [REDACTED TEXT]-exercise yard.
- [REDACTED TEXT] and [REDACTED TEXT]-personnel shall assist Roof personnel with searching inmates and providing security while on their respective floors.
- Once the inmates are searched and ready to be escorted to the exercise yard, floor personnel shall maintain security on their respective floors. The [REDACTED TEXT]-Roof personnel shall supply the exercise yard with special weapons and use their handheld radios to notify the respective floor personnel when they are ready for the inmates to be escorted to the exercise yard.
- If the inmates are from the [REDACTED TEXT]-floor, the inmates shall be instructed to walk up the escalator. The [REDACTED TEXT]-floor personnel shall wait on the [REDACTED TEXT]-floor escalator landing to receive the inmates.
- The [REDACTED TEXT]-floor personnel shall instruct the inmates to walk up the stairs where the roof personnel will direct them to the exercise yard. The [REDACTED TEXT]-floor personnel shall escort the inmates until they are secured in the exercise yard.
- Once the inmates are secured in the exercise yard, the [REDACTED TEXT]-floor personnel will return to their respective floors securing the stairway gate as they exit. Inmates who receive time sensitive passes (e.g., Attorney Room, Visting, etc.) shall be returned to their modules.
- Upon completion of the scheduled exercise times, the roof personnel shall coordinate the returning inmate’s movement with the designated floor personnel. The floor personnel shall maintain security on the appropriate escalator landings while the inmates are escorted from the [REDACTED TEXT]-exercise yard and into their respective module. Any discrepancies in the inmate count shall be reconciled or brought to the attention of the watch commander.
- The module number, row(s) or dorm, and the number of inmates who were escorted to the exercise yard shall be logged in the exercise yard’s Electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL), refer to section “V. Documentation”.
- At no time shall any exercise yard deputies assume other jail duties not authorized by the watch commander.
- Inspection
Prior to inmates using the exercise yards, the roof deputies shall inspect all athletic equipment, the wire mesh screen surrounding the [REDACTED TEXT] and [REDACTED TEXT] yards, and the general condition of the exercise yard. A complete perimeter check of the [REDACTED TEXT] and [REDACTED TEXT] roof areas shall be conducted and include the checking of all air vents, doors, and the outer edges of the perimeter walls of the exercise yards. Any security violations observed shall be reported immediately to the Logistics sergeant and the watch commander. The roof shall remain closed until properly repaired.
This inspection shall be made prior to and at the completion of each exercise yard period. The names of the deputies making the inspections shall be logged into the e-UDAL.
At no time shall this inspection be made while inmates are on the roof.
- Roof Cancellation
The exercise yard line shall be canceled if less than three (3) inmates choose to partake. In the event of a cancellation, another module shall be offered roof time, preferably one that had been canceled earlier in the week. Inmates affected by cancellations shall be offered roof time later that week.
When a roof line is canceled, this information shall be logged in the e-UDAL.
- Documentation
To ensure proper documentation for tracking roof time, the following procedures shall be in effect:
- An input into the Activity Tracking log shall be made by roof personnel when the roof is utilized. The Activity Tracking log is located in the “Authorized Users Only” link which can be accessed through the e-UDAL.
- All required information shall be inputted in the various fields and submitted by clicking the “submit” button.
- High Security Inmates
Refer to MCJ unit order 5-23-043, “High Security Exercise Area.”
Indoor Recreation
Each Old-Side ([REDACTED TEXT] and [REDACTED TEXT] floor) module shall have one (1) dayroom utilized as a recreation room (i.e., Module [REDACTED TEXT] = one (1) dayroom used for inmate recreation for both modules). Each New Side module shall utilize the row dayrooms as a recreation room for the inmates housed on each row. Each recreational dayroom shall be equipped with a television, access to a vending machine, pull-up/dip bar, telephones, and adequate seating for up to twenty-six (26) inmates.
At no time shall there be more than twenty-six inmates using the recreation dayroom at one time. This number has been established based on housing configurations as of the date of this order.
Due to staffing shortages, budget restraints, and Title 15 requirements, personnel will not be assigned to the recreation rooms. It shall be the responsibility of the module officers to allow inmates in and out of the recreation room.
The module officer shall offer an opportunity for inmates to spend a reasonable amount of time in the recreation room each week, compliant with Title 15 Section 1065(a), “Exercise and Recreation.”
The recreation dayrooms shall only be utilized on AM shift and PM shifts. The door shall be closed and locked when not in use. The recreation dayrooms shall not be utilized as an inmate worker room.
- Documentation
In an effort to ensure proper documentation for tracking indoor recreation time, the following procedures shall be in effect:
In an effort to ensure all rows have adequate and equal access to the recreation room, module personnel shall maintain a rotating schedule inside of the officer’s work area. Module personnel shall check the e-UDAL to see which rows have been given access to the recreation room during the prior shifts.