The purpose of this order is to establish procedures regarding security searches of bags, containers or any property capable of carrying contraband into the secure areas of Men’s Central Jail (MCJ).
This order applies to all employees assigned to, or working at MCJ, and any other persons entering security.
All property and all persons entering a secured area of MCJ are subject to search.
In order to ensure the safety and security of all persons in MCJ, the following personal property is prohibited inside secured areas:
- Weapons, including but not limited to firearms and knives, are expressly prohibited inside security
- Except for the Officer’s Dining Room (ODR), and only with the specific permission of the Unit Commander, metal silverware shall not be brought into secured areas of MCJ
- Personal electrical appliances must be approved by the Unit Commander before being brought into the facility (e.g. coffee pots, toasters, heaters, fans)
- Electronic devices are prohibited (e.g. tape/CD/MP3 players, or DVD players, games, radios)
- Personal laptop computers and tablets are prohibited unless prior approval is provided by the Unit Commander
- Reading material not related to the job or the furtherance of formal education
- Prescription and over-the-counter medications that are not in the original labeled retail container
- Possession of wireless communication devices, including, but not limited to, cell phones, voice over internet protocol (VOIP) phone, or wireless internet devices are prohibited
- Cameras shall not be allowed inside the facility unless prior approval is obtained from the watch commander or above
- Tobacco products, matches and cigarette lighters
- The decision to bring personal items into the secured area of MCJ is an individual’s decision. Items brought into MCJ should be kept to a minimum and should be limited to items needed during your work day. Only soft-sided, clear hand-held lunch containers, purses and backpacks will be allowed into secured parts of the facility.
- A maximum of one clear backpack and one clear bag or lunch box will be allowed per staff member
- Clear backpacks shall measure no larger than 21” x 12” x 10”
- Clear bags and clear lunch boxes shall measure no larger than 13” x 13” x 9”
- Personal medications and hygiene products may be stored within a smaller opaque container within the main clear bag
- Identifying markings, stickers, and/or patches shall not obstruct the view of the contents in the bag
- A limited supply of clear durable lunch bags will be available to check-out at main control on a first-come basis, for each shift
- Disposable clear bags will also be available at main control
- This does not affect department issued mandated equipment and issued storage/carrying bags (e.g. ballistic helmets and gas masks)
Watch commanders, sergeants and main control personnel shall continue to routinely inspect the contents of any package or carrying case being brought into the secured areas of the jail.
Attorney room personnel shall continue to search/examine all materials being brought into security by attorneys or others conducting business in the attorney room.
Wallets or other carrying cases containing personal identification information (e.g. checkbooks, keys, credit cards, etc.) should not be brought into security. All employees who have not been provided with a locker outside of security may bring in clear purses, which meet the mandated size requirements, along with other related items. These items shall be secured at work stations, and are subject to periodic inspection.
Personnel entering security with a briefcase or other similar type carrying case, shall do so with prior permission from the Watch Commander.
The Unit Commander has the final authority to determine what personal property is allowed within the facility.
Revision Date 02/24/20
Revision Date 06/22/17
Revision Date 12/15/08