The purpose of this order is to establish procedures regarding inmate access to medical care.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to, and/or working at Men’s Central Jail (MCJ).
All inmates shall have access to medical care. Correctional Health Services (CHS) operates a “nurse clinic” (otherwise commonly referred to as “Sick-Call”) that is available to all inmates five days a week, Monday through Friday. Additionally, a “doctor’s line” shall also be available for additional medical evaluation.
Sick or Injured Inmates
Inmates who notify custody personnel of nonemergent medical complaints during regularly scheduled "nurse clinic" hours shall be sent to the clinic. Custody personnel shall first notify medical personnel by telephone, identify the inmate, indicate the nature of the medical complaint, and follow the direction of medical personnel.
Trained medical personnel are available to respond to medical emergencies if the inmate cannot be escorted to the clinic.
In the event of an inmate injury, the inmate shall be escorted or transported to the clinic for evaluation and treatment as necessary. Prior permission from medical staff for inmate movement to the clinic is not required in medical emergencies. All inmate illnesses and injuries require the completion of an Inmate Injury Illness Report (SH-J-212).
If an inmate requests to be placed on the doctor’s line and is unsuccessful in obtaining such placement, the floor supervisor shall be notified and take appropriate action.
Custody personnel shall never make medical determinations as to the validity of an inmate's complaint. It is the responsibility of medical personnel to make such evaluations. Every instance of an inmate requesting medical attention shall be brought to the attention of the medical staff.
“Man-Down” Calls
If an inmate is in need of immediate medical attention, custody personnel shall immediately notify [REDACTED TEXT] over their Department issued handheld radio or by telephone as long as they do not leave the inmate unattended. Personnel shall state the medical condition of the sick or injured inmate and request for a nurse and gurney to respond to their location. Additionally, they shall provide the inmate’s name and booking number. The [REDACTED TEXT] booth officer shall immediately notify the [REDACTED TEXT] main clinic with the information. The [REDACTED TEXT] booth officer shall note the following information in the “Man-Down Logbook” located in the [REDACTED TEXT] control booth, the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL), and CARTS application under “Injury Stats”:
In order to expedite response times, floor personnel shall make every effort to secure the appropriate elevator on the [REDACTED TEXT] floor prior to the nurse and gurney arriving.
Pill Call
Inmates of all classifications who are prescribed medications shall receive them at one or more of the four (4) designated medication (“pill call”) times (8 A.M., 12 P.M., 4 P.M., and 8 P.M.) held daily. Pill calls are conducted seven (7) days a week. ALL inmates shall be offered their prescribed medication(s).
The assigned “pill call” nurse will obtain the necessary transportation equipment and medication for distribution to the inmates from the pill room located in the main clinic and/or from the floor mini clinic. Floor personnel shall escort the nurse to the intended module/dorm to dispense medication to the designated inmates. Floor personnel shall provide security at all times while the nurse is dispensing medication to the inmates.
The inmates shall be notified to prepare for pill call by floor personnel.
Upon the inmate receiving their medication, custody personnel escorting medical personnel shall make a reasonable effort to ensure the inmate has ingested the medication. In the event the inmate becomes insubordinate and refuses to allow the medical or custody personnel to confirm the consumption of the medication, custody personnel shall follow the notification procedures as outlined in the Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 7-02/020.00, “Handling Insubordinate, Recalcitrant, Hostile or Aggressive Inmates.”
The responding supervisor shall confer with custody personnel and medical personnel, make an assessment, and determine the best course of action. The hoarding of medication and physical well-being of the inmate shall be of paramount concern. Consideration into conducting a cell search as soon as reasonably possible shall be made.
Documentation into the e-UDAL shall be made regarding the outcome of medication distribution. Custody personnel shall document if there are no miss-outs, an inmate is a pill call miss-out, or refuses medication from nursing staff, under the “Additional Information” section of the e-UDAL.
Custody personnel shall include the inmate’s last name, first name, and booking number as well as the nurse’s last name and employee number and whether the nurse requested any further actions be taken on the part of custody staff.
Example: Inmate Doe, John #1234567 refused medication from Nurse Smith #654321. Nurse smith did not request any further actions be taken.
Example: Inmate Doe, John #1234567 was a miss out during pill call with Nurse Smith #654321. Nurse smith requested personnel contact Inmate Doe who still refused his medications. Nurse Smith did not require any further actions be taken.
Example: Inmate Doe, John #1234567 is at court and is a pill call miss out. Nurse Smith #654321 was advised.
Note: Under no circumstances shall medication ever be withheld for disciplinary purposes.
If a discipline problem arises during pill call or sick call, proper disciplinary procedures may be initiated; however, the inmate in question shall still be offered their medication.
During the distribution of medications, deputy personnel shall be assigned to escort and provide security for medical personnel at all times. Deputies providing security shall be standing in close proximity to medical personnel for the duration of pill call.
Pharmacy/Narcotics Medication Distribution
The assigned pharmacy technician and narcotics nurses shall obtain the necessary transportation equipment and medication for distribution to the inmates from the pharmacy/pill room located in the main clinic. [REDACTED TEXT] floor personnel shall be assigned to escort and provide security for the pharmacy technician/narcotics nurse. Custody personnel shall escort the narcotics nurse from the clinic to each module/dorm for the distribution of the medication. Custody personnel shall escort the pharmacy technician from the clinic to the floor and floor personnel shall then escort the pharmacy technician to each module/dorm for distribution of the medication. Floor personnel shall then escort the pharmacy technician to the following floor where the process shall be repeated with the respective floor personnel at the next location. At the conclusion of the distribution of the medication, custody personnel shall escort the pharmacy technician/narcotics nurse back to the main clinic area.
In the event [REDACTED TEXT] floor personnel are not available to escort medical staff, the on-duty watch commander shall be notified to determine who shall be responsible for the escort.
Revision Date 02/12/24
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