5-15-000 Visiting



The purpose of this order is to establish procedures regarding the operation of the visiting area at Men’s Central Jail (MCJ).




This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to, and/or working in any capacity at MCJ.




Visiting staff members work Thursday through Sunday from 0630 hours to 1630 hours.  Visiting is open to the public Thursday through Sunday from 0700 hours to 1500 hours.    If budget necessitates, visiting may be closed on Thursday and/or Friday.


NOTE:           The visiting lobby will begin closing at 1445 hours, in preparation for closing.


Per Title 15 Minimum Standards, Section 1062, “Visting,” inmates may receive two (2), thirty (30) minute visits per week, totaling one hour or one sixty (60) minute visit with the approval of the visiting sergeant.


A total of three (3) visitors are allowed per inmate however, at the discretion of the visiting sergeant, up to five (5) visitors may be allowed per inmate.


Minors (under the age of 18) shall be accompanied by their parent or verifiable legal guardian.  There is no restriction regarding the relationship between the minor and legal guardian.


Visiting Area Rules


Violation of the following rules may not result in an arrest; however, all L.A. County Codes, California State, and Federal Laws will be enforced:


  • Visitors should refrain from speaking in a loud, boisterous manner, or using profanity.


  • Smoking is not permitted.


  • Visitors shall not enter a visiting row without a valid pass.


  • Minors must remain in control and under close supervision of their parent or verifiable legal guardian.


  • Visitors shall not litter or deface County property.


  • Appropriate attire must be worn, including a dress or blouse/shirt with skirt/pants/or shorts, and shoes or sandals.  No under garments or private parts should be visible, including any part of the buttocks.  No sunglasses or head coverings are allowed, unless for medical/religious purposes based upon the verification of need.


  • Cameras, radios, cell phones, recording devices, purses, briefcases, backpacks, pens, pencils, markers, letters, newspapers, books, magazines, makeup, baby bags, strollers, photos, glass containers, food, or drinks are not permitted inside the visiting area.  All personal property must be secured outside prior to entering the visiting area.


  • With reasonable suspicion, visitors on County property may be detained and searched for contraband.  Visitors shall be required to pass through a metal detector prior to entering the visiting area.


  • Vehicles entering or parked in a custody facility parking lot are subject to search when reasonable suspicion is present.  Watch commander notification is required before entering an unoccupied/locked vehicle.


  • Attire referencing gang affiliation (i.e., jerseys, shirt designs, hats, belt buckles) is not permitted.


  • Persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol shall not be allowed on County grounds or in the visiting area.


  • Record checks may be made if necessary for the security of the inmates, employees, visitors, or the facility.


If a visitor violates any of the preceding procedures, or creates a safety or security hazard, their visiting privilege shall be terminated.  Any decision to revoke, suspend, or otherwise limit normal visiting privileges shall be reported to the visiting sergeant and/or the watch commander.


If a person repeatedly violates visiting area rules, or the violation is of a serious nature, the individual’s visiting privileges may be temporarily or permanently revoked pending a review by the unit commander for final disposition.  The visiting sergeant, watch commander, or a superior rank shall make an initial determination to revoke visiting privileges.


Ex-felons and Recently Released Inmates

A potential visitor recently released from the custody of any Los Angeles County jail facility shall not be denied visiting privileges based solely on their date of release from the County jail.

Potential visitors previously convicted of a felony, confined in state prison, and who have subsequently been placed on parole following their release from state prison, shall submit a written request to the MCJ legal office requesting permission to enter the facility.  The MCJ legal office shall review the request and grant approval to visit if it is determined the ex-convict has satisfactorily completed their parole and has no other significant issues which would make them a threat to facility security.  The MCJ legal office’s written response shall be provided to the requesting party within thirty (30) days of the date the request was received.  Cases where visiting privileges are denied shall be documented with the reason(s) for denial.  The requesting party shall be informed in writing of the denial.


Guidelines for Change/Termination of Visiting Privilege for Visitor


Visiting privileges may be changed or cancelled at any time as circumstances warrant. Changes may arise when an inmate is on restricted status, or security conditions of the facility preclude visitation.


Visitors who pose a security or safety threat to the facility, staff, or other visitors shall be excluded from visiting.  Offenses which may lead to the termination of a visit are as follows:


  1. Minor offenses (e.g., littering, smoking in lobby, or verbal arguments with other visitors or deputies) shall result in termination of the visiting privilege for the day and


up to one (1) week.  Two (2) offenses in a thirty (30) day period shall result in the loss of visiting privileges for one (1) week to thirty (30) days.


  1. Fighting, defacing County property, or insubordination towards a deputy, shall result in the termination of the visiting privilege for two (2) weeks.  Two (2) violations in a thirty (30) day period will result in the loss of visiting privileges for thirty (30) days.


  1. Visitors attempting to pass narcotics into the facility, bring weapons on jail grounds, assault a deputy, or violate the law, shall have their visiting privilege terminated for twelve (12) months.  Violators shall be subject to arrest and prosecution.


Termination of the visiting privilege for longer than one (1) week will require the watch commander's approval.  Loss of privilege for one (1) week or less shall require the approval of the visiting sergeant.


All terminations shall be logged in the Inmate Video Visitation System (IVVS) program under the visitor’s account.  The visiting sergeant shall also be notified.


Inmates may refuse to see a visitor.  Such refusal shall not result in the removal of the visitor from the inmate’s visitor list.  To remove a visitor from their approved visitor list,

inmates shall submit a written request to the visiting sergeant.


Inmate Conduct and Termination of Visiting Privilege


Inmates going to, coming from, or in the visiting area, shall be properly dressed and

obey all facility rules and regulations.  Violation of jail rules may result in the immediate termination of the inmate's visit.


To ensure the proper documentation for the cancellation of inmate visits, personnel shall notify the visiting sergeant when a visit has been cancelled.  Proper documentation of the visit cancellation shall be maintained.  The following procedures shall be in effect:


  1. The violation shall be documented in the Inmate Reports Tracking System (IRTS) documenting the offense resulting in the cancellation of the visit. 


  1. A reference number shall be drawn.


  1. If the offense does not require additional time in discipline, the following shall be completed:


    1. The report shall be marked “MINOR” under the “Discipline Type” field in IRTS. 
    2. The “Action for Minor Offense” field shall be marked “Lockdown.”
    3. A simple narrative shall be written detailing the offense and the action taken (i.e., cancellation of visit).


  1. The visiting rear personnel shall document the canceled visit in the IVVS program.


  1. Visiting personnel shall inform floor staff from the inmate’s housing location to document the refusal in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL).  Floor supervisors shall review the entries concerning cancelled visits during their daily e-UDAL audits.


The visiting rear deputies shall immediately notify visiting front of the cancellation, thus informing the visiting party of the cancellation.


Property and Money Release


Persons desiring to deposit money on an inmate's account may do so at the cashier's office at the Inmate Reception Center.  Money shall not be accepted at Men’s Central Jail.  NO EXCEPTIONS.


Inmates desiring to release their property or monies may do so by completing an “Order for Release of Prisoners Property” form (SH-J-17) and/or a “Money Draw Slip” (SH-J-18) during their visit.



Scheduled Visitation Appointments


Visits at Men’s Central Jail are by appointment only.  Visitors may schedule their visits seven (7) days in advance by logging onto https://visit.lasd.org.  “Walk-in” or unscheduled visits are available, except for high security inmates.


All visitors, including minors, must register into the visitation system before they can schedule a visit or make a walk-in appointment.  Kiosks are available for the public to create an account at Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF), MCJ, and Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).


Visitors with a scheduled appointment must arrive one (1) hour before their visit for check-in.  Visitors shall be given a thirty (30) minute grace period to account for delays.


The visiting staff shall stop processing appointments thirty (30) minutes after the hour.  


If a visitor arrives late, their scheduled appointment is automatically canceled and the visit will count against the inmate’s visiting quota.  Visitors will be required to schedule an appointment for another day.


Inmates shall not be brought down to visiting twice in one (1) day for a regular visit, NO EXCEPTIONS.


Scheduled appointments are subject to cancellation at any time due to housing re-assignments, court appearance, or discipline housing restrictions.  Visitors who wish to cancel their appointments must do so twelve (12) hours in advance.


Documentation of Visiting and Inmate Passes


Visiting Front


Deputies assigned to the front lobby are responsible for maintaining the safety and security of the facility at all times.  Visiting front deputies shall verify each visitor possesses a valid form of identification per Title 15 section 3173:


  1. A valid Driver’s License (any state),
  2. A valid DMV Identification Card with picture,
  3. A valid picture Passport / Visa,
  4. A valid Armed Forces Identification Card with picture,
  5. A valid picture identification card issued by the United States Department of Justice-Immigration and Naturalization Services, or picture identification issued by the Mexican Consulate.


Visitors not possessing any of the above forms of identification shall not be granted a visit, unless approved by the visiting sergeant.


The visitor’s information or visitation confirmation number shall be entered in the visitor visitation program to verify a visitation appointment. 


All visitor’s information, including minors, must be included into the visitation appointment program, NO EXCEPTIONS.  If additional visitors wish to be added to the inmate’s appointment, deputies must enter the additional visitor’s required information into the visitation appointment program. 


Visitors listed on the appointment shall have their identification verified and shall be checked-in into the visitation program.  Visitors may be screened for prior felony convictions, probation status, wants, and warrants.  Visitors shall not be allowed to visit if they have a prior felony conviction, are a supervised parolee, probationer (summary or traditional), or have wants or warrants.  


Visitors with suspended licenses which require “service needed” may be issued a Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) Verbal Notice by Peace Officer DL 310 form and may have their license confiscated by a deputy.


Deputy personnel shall query the inmate information provided by the visitor to assure:


  1. The inmate is housed at MCJ.
  2. The inmate is allowed to receive visits on the specified day.
  3. The inmate is allowed to receive visits (e.g., not in discipline housing, etc.).


Once the inmate’s information has been verified, visiting deputy personnel shall issue a visit pass for the inmate.


If the visitor is part of the news media, or any form of media, prior authorization for the visit must be received from Sheriff’s Information Bureau (SIB) Media Unit.  Upon approval from SIB, the MCJ unit commander, watch commander, and visiting sergeant shall be notified.  All pertinent information shall be entered and a “note” shall be added detailing where the individual is from and the individual who provided authorization for their entrance.


If the visit has been terminated, personnel shall enter a notation into the visiting program’s “Note” section for the visitor indicating the reason for the termination.


Monitored Inmates


Notification via email shall be made to the Tech Crew for inmates who have a “Code 3 Jail Liaison” message in the Automated Justice Information System (AJIS).  The Tech Crew contact information is confidential and should not be disseminated. 


Information regarding monitored inmates and visitors is sensitive, highly confidential, and should not be discussed with inmates or other nonessential personnel.


The visiting rear deputy shall document the row/seat location on the pass and advise the Tech Crew via email of the visit. 


The “Code 3 Jail Liaison” passes shall be placed in a sealed envelope and later forwarded to the MCJ legal office.


Video Visits


Inmates housed at MCJ shall be allowed two (2) thirty (30) minute video visits per week in lieu of their regular face-to-face visit.  Video visits shall be available Fridays and Sundays during regular visiting hours.  Visitors shall be required to schedule an appointment.  The video visiting monitors are available at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF), Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF), and the MCJ visiting area.  The same rules and regulations shall apply to video visiting as face-to-face visits.


Legal Visits


Legal/professional visits shall only be conducted in the public visiting center on Saturday and Sunday.  All other legal/professional visits shall be conducted Monday through Friday in the Attorney Room visiting area.


Weekend legal/professional visits are accommodated as a courtesy for legal professionals.  Documents shall not be passed to or signed by inmates during visiting in the public visiting area.  All signed documentation must be completed Monday through Friday in the attorney visiting area, NO EXCEPTIONS.


Legal professional visitors must complete a handwritten pass.  Deputies shall enter the visit into the visiting program as an “AD HOC” visit under professional visits.  Legal professional visitors may be limited to a one (1) hour visit based on space availability.


All legal professional visitors must have a valid bar card or legal identification.  Legal runners must be listed on the current legal runner list provided by the MCJ Legal Unit.


Legal runners must be approved by the MCJ Legal Unit.  Inmates granted “pro per” status are entitled to receive extended visitation to confer with a legal runner or witness.  The legal runner may visit and confer with the inmate during normal hours of inmate visiting for a maximum of thirty (30) minutes each day.  The Sheriff may revoke approval of a legal runner’s status for disruptive conduct or violations of security procedures.  An inmate shall not receive more than one (1) visit per day.


Visiting Rear


Officers assigned to visiting rear are responsible for maintaining the safety and security of the visiting rear area at all times.


Visiting rear officers shall verify that each inmate possesses a valid visiting pass and compare the pass to the inmate’s wristband to verify their identity. 


Deputies shall assign each inmate to a row and seat for visiting and notate the row and seat location on each inmate’s pass.  Passes shall be forwarded to the visiting front deputies where they will call out the awaiting visitors and direct them to their visiting location.


Visitors shall be secured inside the visiting row area by deputy personnel ensuring the main door and rear door are closed.  To exit the visiting row area, visitors shall be required to summon an officer/deputy.  The officer/deputy shall confirm their identity and allow them to exit, securing the door behind them. 


Once all the visitors are seated in front of their respective inmates in their assigned row, the visiting rear deputies shall activate the phone timers, which are preset to thirty (30)

minutes.  In cases where inmates are only allowed one (1) visit per week, the phones shall be reset to one (1) hour.


    • Terminated visits due to rule violations shall be documented in the IRTS system.


    • Floor staff shall be notified to enter the cancelled visits in the e-UDAL and a sergeant shall review the entry when they sign the e-UDAL.


    • If the inmate has not checked in for their visit after an extended period, the visiting deputies shall contact the module where the inmate is housed and check on the inmate’s status.  If the inmate has not checked in after a second notification, the floor sergeant or senior line deputy (SLD) shall be contacted to inquire about the inmate’s status.


    • Any information obtained should be forwarded to persons visiting the inmate.


    • If an inmate takes over ninety (90) minutes to arrive, the inmate’s visiting pass along with the public yellow pass, shall be attached together and filed in the visiting sergeant’s office.


If a visitor is not seated in the correct seat for the inmate they requested to visit, and is conversing with a different inmate, the visit shall be terminated immediately.   Notification to the visiting sergeant shall be made and a note shall be added to the visitor's file detailing the incident.


Lockdown Protocols


The lobby shall be closed during a lockdown. 


In the event a lockdown occurs, and visitors are in the lobby waiting to check in, check-in shall be concluded.  Visitors will have to reschedule their visit.   


Visitors who have checked-in but have not started their visit shall have their visit canceled and rescheduled by a counter deputy. 


Visitors outside of the lobby shall be advised that all visits for the following one (1) to two (2) hours will be canceled. 


The visiting sergeant shall enter a lockdown event into the visiting program.


Inmates in visiting rear shall continue to receive their visits until deputy personnel can safely escort them back to their housing location.

Lockdown signs shall be printed and posted at the visiting doors and on the rails outside of the visiting lobby.


Floor staff shall be notified to enter the cancelled visits in the e-UDAL and a sergeant shall review the entry when they sign the e-UDAL.


Modified Lockdown Protocols


The lobby shall remain open during a modified lockdown. 


In the event visitors are in the lobby waiting to check in when the jail goes on a modified lockdown, check-in shall continue.  Visitors shall be advised of the lockdown and possible extended delays.  If inmates do not arrive by a predestinated time, visitors shall have their visit canceled and rescheduled by a visiting front deputy.


Floor staff shall be notified to enter the cancelled visits in the e-UDAL and a sergeant shall review the entry when they sign the e-UDAL.


Modified lockdown signs shall be printed and posted at the visiting doors and on the rails outside of the visiting lobby.  During a modified lockdown, all efforts should be made to continue visits.


In extreme emergencies/lockdowns, all visits shall cease.  Inmates shall be escorted back to their housing locations and the public shall be escorted outside of the visiting lobby.


Security Checks


Visiting front deputies are responsible for checking for safety/escape hazards and general cleanliness prior to, and at the conclusion of every shift in the following locations:


  • Public visiting rows.
  • The inside public restrooms.
  • The outside public restrooms.
  • The hospital visiting area.
  • The fire hose boxes.


Visiting rear deputies are responsible for checking for safety/escape hazards and general cleanliness prior to and at the conclusion of every shift in the following locations:


  • Inmate visiting rows.
  • The fire hose boxes.


Visiting Front


Two (2) deputies shall be assigned to the visiting main lobby doors to provide security. Security walks through the public visiting rows shall be conducted twice each hour.  Suspicious activities shall be reported to the visiting sergeant immediately.  Deputies shall notify the visiting sergeant immediately any time a visitor becomes argumentative or hostile and follow procedure delineated in Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 7-02/020.00, “Handling Insubordinate, Recalcitrant, Hostile, or Aggressive Inmates.”


Visiting Rear


Deputies assigned to visiting rear shall continuously provide security over all the rows, including rows seating special handle inmates.  Deputies shall perform security walks at a minimum of once every 15 minutes.  Any suspicious activity shall be reported to the visiting sergeant immediately.  Deputies shall notify the visiting sergeant immediately any time an inmate becomes argumentative, or hostile refer to CDM section, 7-02/020.00, “Handling Insubordinate, Recalcitrant, Hostile, or Aggressive Inmates.”


Deputy Personnel Uniform


All visiting personnel shall have all their response gear (firearm, Sam/Sally Browne belt, helmet, gas mask, vest, and baton) immediately available.


Visiting Front


Uniform for the front lobby area will be class "A" with full Sam/Sally Browne belt and vest.  Class B uniform may be worn during inclement weather per the unit commander.


Visiting Rear


Deputies assigned inside security may wear class "B" uniforms.


Arrests and Detentions Made at Visiting Front


When reasonable suspicion and/or safety concerns exist, deputies may handcuff members of the public to ensure the overall safety for all concerned parties.  In the event a visitor or other member of the public is handcuffed by visiting front deputies to secure a detention, the visiting sergeant, or designee at the minimum rank of sergeant, shall be notified immediately.


The visiting sergeant, or designee, shall respond to the location without delay and ascertain the circumstances of the detention.  The involved personnel shall clearly and expeditiously articulate the reason for the handcuffing.

All arrests and/or detentions shall be logged and processed in accordance with Unit Order 5-60-010, Arrests and Detentions at Men’s Central Jail.”


Personnel conducting checks for wants and warrants shall follow procedures delineated in the Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) sections 4-26/010.00, “Warrants” and 5-02/150.00, “Warrants and Subpoenas” through 5-02/150.65, “Warrants, Probate Code 1442.”


With approval of the visiting sergeant, detained visitors may be taken to a room away from other visitors during the booking process and the watch commander shall be notified.


Misdemeanor suspects may be transported by one or more deputies and all felony suspects shall be transported by two deputies in a marked Sheriff’s vehicle.  Female suspects shall be transported to CRDF, and male suspects shall be transported to IRC.  If juveniles are detained, all efforts shall be made to cite and release subjects to their parents or legal guardians.




Revision Date 06/05/23

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