3-07-050 Warehouse Audit




The purpose of this order is to establish procedures at Men’s Central Jail (MCJ) in order to comply with regulations outlined in the Los Angeles County Fiscal Manual section 5.3.1. 




This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at MCJ.




On the first Wednesday of each even numbered month of the year, the Logistics sergeant shall request for an MCJ line supervisor (lieutenant or sergeant) to conduct a sample audit of ten (10) items in the MCJ warehouse.  The MCJ warehouse supervisor shall prepare a ten (10) item inventory form and provide it to the selected line supervisor.  The line supervisor will select, at random, any ten (10) items from the master inventory list and conduct a count of the items. 


At the conclusion of the audit, the warehouse supervisor shall reconcile the document to the warehouse records; report the results to the Logistics sergeant and file the forms in the Logistics office for possible future review.





Revision Date 06/01/2020

Revision Date 06/22/2017

Revision Date 01/11/2016

Revision Date 12/11/2008

Revision Date 02/11/2005