8-04/030.15 Appeals of Emergency Grievances

When an inmate submits an appeal regarding an emergency grievance, which has been adjudicated by the watch commander, or a supervising lieutenant, the appeal shall be subject to the following levels of review:

First Level Emergency Appeal Review

  • If the inmate is not satisfied with the action(s) taken to address the situation, the inmate must submit an appeal of the Department’s action within two (2) calendar days of receipt of the written response. The unit commander shall make a determination of the resolution of an emergency appeal within five (5) calendar days of receipt. Refer to section 8-04/040.00, "Time Frames."

Second Level Emergency Appeal Review

  • If the inmate is not satisfied with the action(s) taken at the first level appeal review to address the situation, the inmate must submit an appeal of the Department’s action within two (2) calendar days of receipt of the written response. The concerned area commander, or designee, shall make the final determination of the resolution of an emergency appeal within ten (10) calendar days of receipt. Refer to section 8-04/040.00, "Time Frames."

Emergency appeal reviews received during business hours shall be coordinated by Unit Inmate Grievance Coordinator. Those received during after-hours shall be coordinated by the watch commander, or supervising lieutenant.

Extensions of appeals regarding emergency grievances that are not against staff shall require the approval of the concerned area commander. Refer to section 8-04/040.05, "Extensions."