8-04/040.05 Extensions


Under exceptional circumstances wherein the investigation of a request or a grievance cannot be completed within the established time frames, a supervisor of the minimum rank of sergeant, may extend the requisite response time by fifteen (15) calendar days. Examples of exceptional circumstances include:

  • Unavailability of inmate(s), staff, or witnesses necessary to conduct an appropriate investigation;
  • The nature of the investigation, decision, or action requires additional research;
  • Necessary involvement of specialized units or other departments, agencies, or jurisdictions;
  • An extended disruption of normal facility operations, including those affecting technological infrastructure;
  • The investigation requires the interview of multiple witnesses.

Any additional extensions shall require the approval of the unit commander or designee, which shall be documented.


Extensions of appeals that are not regarding grievances against staff shall require the approval of the concerned area commander. Extensions of appeals that are regarding grievances against staff shall require the approval of the concerned division chief.

In each instance where an extension for a grievance or appeal has been initiated, the handling sergeant shall notify the inmate of the extended date of anticipated completion in the form of an Extension Status Notification Form, or an Appeal Extension Status Notification form generated in the Custody Automated Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS). In addition, all extensions shall be documented in CARTS and shall include the justification for the extension and the name of the authorizing supervisor.