8-04/040.00 Time Frames

The following time frames shall be adhered to for the filing, investigation, and disposition of inmate requests, grievances, and appeals:


An inmate request shall be handled to conclusion and updated in the Custody Automated Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date it was received by the Unit Inmate Grievance Team, which must be documented. (Refer to section 8-04/040.05, "Extensions.")



  • A grievance must be filed by an inmate within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the incident.

Note: Although late grievances against staff will be denied and closed in the CARTS, they shall be thoroughly investigated. Refer to section 8-04/040.10, "Late Submissions of Grievances."

  • Inmate grievances shall be investigated, resolved, and responded to within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date the grievance was received by the Sheriff’s Department, absent exceptional circumstances, which must be documented. (Refer to section 8-04/040.05, "Extensions.") In cases wherein the inmate grievance cannot be resolved within this time frame, the inmate must be provided with a written response advising him or her of the status.
  • Dispositions of inmate grievances against staff shall be provided to the aggrieved inmate within ten (10) calendar days of the Department's adjudication of the grievance.


  • A first-level appeal of a grievance must be filed by an inmate within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date the inmate receives the disposition. (Refer to section 8-04/030.00, "Appeals Process and Structure.")
  • A second-level appeal of a grievance must be filed by an inmate within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date the inmate receives the disposition. (Refer to section 8-04/030.00, "Appeals Process and Structure.")
  • An inmate shall be advised, in writing, whether a first-level appeal was granted, granted in part, denied, or unresolved within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Department's receipt of the appeal.
  • An inmate shall be advised, in writing, whether a second-level appeal was granted, granted in part, denied, or unresolved within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Department's receipt of the appeal.


  • The watch commander shall provide a written response to the inmate within five (5) calendar days from the date the emergency grievance was filed.
  • A first-level appeal of an emergency grievance must be filed by an inmate within two (2) calendar days of receipt of the written response.
  • A second-level appeal of an emergency grievance must be filed by an inmate within two (2) calendar days of receipt of the written response.
  • The unit commander shall make a determination of the resolution of any first-level appeal of an emergency grievance within five (5) calendar days of receipt of the appeal.
  • The concerned area commander, or designee, shall make the final determination of the resolution of a second-level emergency appeal within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the appeal.


  • An appeal of an emergency grievance against staff, at any level, must be filed by an inmate within two (2) calendar days of receipt of the written response.
  • The respective area commander shall make a determination of the resolution of an emergency appeal against staff within five (5) calendar days of receipt of a first-level emergency appeal against staff.
  • The concerned division chief shall make the final determination of the resolution of an emergency appeal against staff within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of a second-level appeal against staff.