8-04/030.10 Appeals of Grievances Against Staff

Unless otherwise specified by this policy, all grievances against staff shall be reviewed and adjudicated by the respective unit commander. When an inmate submits an appeal regarding a grievance against a staff member, which has been adjudicated by the unit commander, the appeal shall be subject to the following levels of review:

First Level Appeal Review

  • First level appeals shall be reviewed by an area commander who was not involved in the review of the initial grievance. The inmate shall be advised, in writing, whether the appeal was upheld or denied, and the resulting disposition of the grievance, within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Department's receipt of the appeal. (Refer to 8-04/010.00, "Dispositions, Interim Status Responses, and Inmate Notifications" for appropriate dispositions of grievances against staff.) First level appeal reviews shall be coordinated by the Unit Inmate Grievance Coordinator.

Second Level Appeal Review

  • If an inmate's first-level appeal is denied, or if the inmate is not satisfied with the action(s) taken to address the situation, he or she may submit another appeal. Second level appeals shall be reviewed by the respective division chief. The inmate shall be advised, in writing, whether the second appeal was upheld or denied, and the resulting disposition of the grievance, within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Department's receipt of the appeal. (Refer to 8-04/010.00, "Dispositions, Interim Status Responses, and Inmate Notifications" for appropriate dispositions of grievances against staff.) Second level appeal reviews shall be coordinated by the Division Inmate Grievance Coordinator.

If the review of an appeal of a grievance against staff results in a disposition modification not reflected in the original "Result of Inmate Grievance Against Staff Review" form (SH-J-455), the concerned unit commander shall ensure that an updated "Result of Inmate Grievance Against Staff Review" form is submitted to the Discovery Unit, as well as a request for correction/removal/modification of records, in accordance with Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) section 3-02/085.70, "Correction/Removal/Modification of Records in the Automated Performance Recording and Monitoring System." The involved employee(s) shall be provided with a copy of the updated form.

Extensions of appeals that are regarding grievances against staff shall require the approval of the concerned division chief. Refer to section 8-04/040.05, "Extensions."