8-04/030.05 Appeals of Grievances - Not Against Staff

When an inmate submits an appeal regarding the adjudication of a non-medical or a non-mental health grievance, the appeal shall be subject to the following levels of review:

First Level Appeal Review

  • First level appeals shall be reviewed by the respective unit commander, or a designee with a minimum rank of lieutenant. The inmate shall be advised, in writing, whether the appeal was upheld (granted) or denied, within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Department's receipt of the appeal. First level appeal reviews shall be coordinated by the Unit Inmate Grievance Coordinator.

Second Level Appeal Review

  • If an inmate’s first-level appeal is denied or if the inmate is not satisfied with the action(s) taken to address the situation, he or she may submit another appeal. Second level appeals shall be reviewed by the respective area commander. The inmate shall be advised, in writing, whether the second appeal was upheld (granted) or denied, within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Department's receipt of the appeal. Second level appeal reviews shall be coordinated by the Division Inmate Grievance Coordinator.


Extensions of appeals that are not regarding grievances against staff shall require the approval of the concerned area commander. Refer to section 8-04/040.05, "Extensions."