4-01/000.00 Crime Reporting Procedures

All custody personnel are expected to complete crime reports during their shift, except as indicated below. Unit commanders shall ensure that all required reports are completed in accordance with this policy and distributed pursuant to the Department's Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP), Volume 4, "Case Assignment and Reporting."

All units initiating a first report where a Uniform Report Number (URN) is issued, are responsible for making the necessary entries into the Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System (LARCIS), per MPP section 4-01/140.00, "Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System (LARCIS)." Entries into LARCIS shall be made within three (3) business days and shall include information contained in the Custody Services Division Crime Analysis Supplemental Form (SH-R-49C).

Custody Investigative Services (CIS) shall be contacted for major incidents such as riots or assaults where there are significant injuries. CIS can be contacted at any time of the day, on weekends, and during the holidays.

When there is evidence that a crime involving an inmate may have been committed in a custody facility, the appropriate report(s) shall be prepared and assigned to the designated investigating unit as specified in MPP section 4-19/050.00, "Prisoners."

Deferred Reports

Completion of a crime report may be deferred, if it cannot otherwise reasonably be completed during the handling employee's shift, for the following types of incidents:

  • Those wherein there is no workable information, including felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Any other report that the watch sergeant or watch commander approves to be deferred

All report deferrals shall be approved by the watch sergeant, utilizing the above criteria. Deputy personnel shall complete all deferred reports by the end of their shift on the next calendar day. If the deputy is not scheduled to work the next calendar day, reconsideration for deferral by the watch sergeant may be necessary (refer to MPP 3-02/290.10, "Specific Guidelines" for additional information pertaining to deferred reports and authorization of overtime). Watch sergeants shall be responsible for maintaining a Deferred Report Log and reviewing it for overdue reports on a daily basis.

Notification of Sexual Abuse or Sexual Harassment Involving an Inmate

In accordance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) of 2003, custody personnel shall adhere to the following:

  • Staff shall immediately report any knowledge, suspicion, or information regarding an incident of sexual abuse or sexual harassment involving an inmate, whether made verbally or in writing, including third-party and anonymous reports (regardless of whether the alleged incident occurred at another facility or agency) to their immediate supervisor and complete the necessary report(s). Any allegations of sexual related crimes shall be reported to CIS and the PREA Coordinator group via email [REDACTED TEXT].
  • Staff shall immediately report any knowledge, suspicion, or information of any staff neglect or violations of responsibilities that may have contributed to an incident of retaliation against inmates or staff who have reported an incident of sexual abuse or sexual harassment involving an inmate.

Department members shall not reveal any information related to a sexual abuse or sexual harassment report to anyone other than to the extent necessary to obtain treatment or aid in the investigation. If Department members would like to privately report an incident of sexual abuse or sexual harassment of an inmate, they shall report it to the on-duty watch commander.

If the alleged inmate victim is a child, dependent adult, or an elder adult, the Department shall report the incident to the appropriate mandatory reporting agency. Refer to Field Operations Directive (FOD) 02-002, Tracking Family Abuse Crimes and 03-004, Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act.

Reporting/Handling of Hate Crimes

Custody personnel handling a hate crime or hate incident shall prepare an Incident Report (SH-R-49). All completed hate crime reports shall be assigned to and investigated by the Major Crimes Bureau (MCB) Hate Crimes Unit. Additionally, a Special Request Distribution (SRD) shall be designated to the Jail Investigations Unit (JIU).

Hate incident reports shall be assigned to and investigated by JIU. Refer to MPP sections 4-11/012.00, “Hate Crimes,” and 5-09/510.00, “Handling Hate Crimes,” for additional information on hate crime reporting, distribution, and handling procedures.

Receiving Information Relating to Existing Criminal Cases and/or Potential Crimes

Custody personnel receiving information from an inmate relating to a potential crime or active criminal case, regardless of the jurisdiction, shall immediately report all information to their respective sergeant. The sergeant shall conduct an inquiry to ascertain the jurisdiction and whether a criminal report was written. The sergeant should ensure the appropriate detective unit and/or agency is notified immediately.

Personnel should refrain from conducting an investigative interview of the suspect/inmate in the absence of the investigative unit having jurisdiction, unless the urgency of the information received dictates it. In all instances, there shall be a written memorandum (SH-AD-32A) reporting the information to the appropriate investigative unit or agency, including as follow-up to a personal contact with that unit or agency.

In situations where the reporting inmate has safety concerns, CIS-Jail Liaison Unit shall be contacted and will evaluate whether the reporting inmate meets the criteria for protective custody.

Information of an emergent nature that affects jail security and/or the safety of the inmate shall be reported to an on-duty watch commander immediately, handled according to Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 5-01/030.00, "Inmate Classification and Identification," and forwarded to CIS - Jail Liaison Unit as soon as possible.