4-01/000.50 Deferred Report Procedures

All written reports should be completed by the end of the handling employee’s shift, in accordance with CDM section 4-01/000.00, "Crime Reporting Procedures." However, if the report cannot be completed by the end of the shift, the employee shall notify the watch sergeant or a designee as soon as possible. The watch sergeant or a designee will determine if the report may be deferred. Without approval from the watch sergeant, the report shall not be deferred.

Deferred reports shall be documented and tracked in the facility's deferred report log and completed within 24 hours of the incident unless otherwise approved by the watch commander or a designee. If the employee is not scheduled to work the next day, consideration for deferral by the watch sergeant or a designee may be necessary.

All reports involving the following criteria shall not be deferred, unless otherwise approved by the watch commander or a designee:

  • The report would be critical to the follow-up investigation and the inmate’s release is imminent, or his next court date is within 48 hours
  • The employee will be off for a period exceeding 24 hours
  • A noteworthy person is listed as the victim or suspect
  • The report involves an inmate whose death is imminent
  • The report will be assigned to a unit outside the Custody Services Divisions
  • A Department member is listed as a victim or suspect

The following reports shall not be deferred:

  • Inmate Injury/Illness Report (SH-J-212)
  • Behavioral Observation and Mental Health Referral (SH-J-407)
  • Special Handling Form

The following day, once the deferred report has been completed, the employee who wrote the report shall submit it to the watch sergeant or a designee.

Watch Sergeant Responsibilities

It shall be the responsibility of the watch sergeant or a designee to maintain and review the facility's deferred report log for all outstanding deferred reports. This review shall be conducted on a daily basis to ensure deferred reports are completed in a timely manner. When the report has been completed, the watch sergeant or a designee shall document its completion and supervisory review and approval in the deferred report log.