4-01/010.00 Classification and Reporting of Inmate Disturbances

The watch commander of an affected unit shall classify inmate disturbances according to the following definitions:  


A minor inmate disturbance involves the temporary loss of control of a group of inmates, causes a disruption of normal operations in a localized area or housing location, and routinely requires the activation of the Emergency Response Team (ERT). Direct intervention from personnel, beyond the capability of those assigned to the housing location, is required to resolve the incident and restore order.


A major inmate disturbance involves the majority of inmates in multiple housing locations and disrupts normal operations to the entire facility. Significant, direct intervention from personnel, which may include additional resources outside the facility, is required to resume normal operations. A major disturbance generally requires a full lockdown of the facility. 


An inmate riot is a concerted action by inmates to violently disrupt normal facility operations for a substantial length of time and results in loss of control of the facility, or of major or critical portions thereof. An inmate riot requires additional resources outside the facility and may, at times, necessitate involvement of other divisions, to resolve the situation and resume normal operations.


When a minor inmate disturbance, major inmate disturbance, or inmate riot occurs in any custody facility, an Incident Report (SH-R-49), the Custody Services Division Crime Analysis (SH-R-49C), and/or a use of force report and an entry in the Electronic Line Operations Tracking System (e-LOTS) shall be completed in a timely manner and in addition to any other required reports (see Custody Division Manual [CDM] sections 4-01/000.00, “Crime Reporting Procedures” and 4-07/010.00, "Notification and Reporting of Significant Incidents").

The data collected shall include, but not be limited to the following:

  • name of the facility;
  • date and time of disturbance;
  • type of disturbance;
  • duration of disturbance and any lockdown;
  • exact location;
  • amount and type of force used;
  • number of injuries;
  • necessary resources utilized beyond the facility’s resources;
  • cause(s) for disturbance/riot.

The original Incident Report and Custody Services Division Crime Analysis shall be placed into the URN file. A second copy shall be placed in any related use of force package(s).

Watch Commander's Responsibility 

The watch commander or a designated supervisor shall, as soon as practicable and by telephone call, notify the watch commanders of other custody facilities of the occurrence of a major inmate disturbance or inmate riot. In addition, the watch commander or a designated supervisor shall, as soon as practicable, notify the unit commander. Watch commanders shall refer to CDM section 4-07/010.00, "Notification and Reporting of Significant Incidents" for any additional notification requirements.

The watch commander or a designee shall ensure that completed reports are forwarded to the unit statistical coordinator for entry into the Los Angeles County Regional Crime Information System (LARCIS), and that the appropriate supervisor documents the incident in the electronic Line Operations Tracking System (e-LOTS).

Statistical Coordinator Responsibility 

Upon receipt of the Incident Report and Custody Services Division Crime Analysis, the unit statistical coordinator shall ensure the data is entered into LARCIS within one (1) working day.

Required Documentation - Custody Support Services Bureau (CSSB) Notification 

The unit commander or a designee shall ensure the following documentation is forwarded in a timely manner, to the CSSB Incident Review Team [REDACTED TEXT]:

  • a copy of the signed Chief's Memorandum from the unit commander of the facility to the chief of the Division;
  • a copy of the Incident Report (SH-R-49) and Custody Services Division Crime Analysis (SH-R-49C);
  • a copy of all supplemental reports.