3-21/000.00 On-Duty Wellness Program

All personnel assigned to Custody Division may be afforded up to one hour per day of on-duty wellness program participation with the approval of their respective unit commander. Participation in the wellness program may not always be accommodated due to the operational needs of the facility.  

Personnel shall request approval for wellness time from their respective floor sergeant or watch sergeant prior to leaving their assigned work location. Personnel shall adhere to the following procedures:

  • The wellness program is strictly voluntary and shall not exceed one hour daily. 
  • The one hour allotted for the wellness program shall include time required to change clothes, travel, and/or prepare for approved training activities.
  • Personnel shall not save the one hour allotment for future use if not used during their shift.
  • Personnel shall not participate in the wellness program within the first or last hour of their shift.
  • Personnel engaged in telework shall not take time off to perform wellness activities while teleworking.
  • If an employee's work schedule must be altered to accommodate operational requirements on any scheduled workday and the employee is required to report or work up to two hours earlier than their normal shift’s starting time, personnel shall not be permitted to participate in the wellness program at the end of their normal shift to receive overtime compensation.
  • Personnel who do not have paid lunch periods and voluntarily participate in the wellness program during their lunch period without their sergeant’s approval for on-duty wellness time shall not be paid for the time spent participating in the wellness program. 
  • Personnel who are paid for their lunch period and voluntarily participate in the wellness program during their lunch period without their sergeant’s approval for on-duty wellness time shall be paid for the time spent participating in the wellness program; however, their right to one 30-minute paid meal break shall be considered voluntarily waived.
  • A maximum number of personnel able to participate in the wellness program at the same time during the shift shall be determined by the floor sergeant or watch sergeant at their discretion.
  • Wellness time may be interrupted at any time by the respective sergeant due to operational needs.


Personnel shall only participate in the following on-duty wellness training activities:

  • Use of the facility gym and equipment
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Yoga
  • Running and/or walking

Martial arts and/or any other activity or sport shall not be authorized as an on-duty training activity.


Personnel electing to run and/or walk outside of the facility during their wellness break shall be required to make verbal notification of their planned route to their floor sergeant and/or watch sergeant. The watch sergeant shall make note of any personnel leaving the facility and upon their return. Personnel shall carry a handheld radio or personal cellular telephone while outside the facility.