3-20/000.00 Restrictive Housing Panel

The purpose of the Restrictive Housing Panel (RHP) is to create an independent executive level oversight for the following:

  • Classification of inmates who are placed into a restricted housing location;
  • Behavior Based Reintegration Program;
  • Appeal reviews regarding the revocation of good time/work time credits relating to disciplinary procedures;
  • Appeal reviews regarding classification into restricted housing;

The RHP will convene on a regular basis with representatives from each of the following:

  • Command staff, comprised of two commanders (if a commander is unavailable, a unit commander from Custody Compliance and Sustainability Bureau (CCSB), Custody Training and Standards Bureau (CTSB), or Custody Support Services Bureau (CSSB) will be selected)

  • The captain(s) from the inmate’s housing facility
  • Inmate Services Bureau-Education Based Inarceration (EBI) Unit
  • Correctional Health Services (CHS) mental health

The RHP shall be chaired by the Division Personnel commander (or their designee).

The RHP will be presented by the Custody Investigative Services (CIS), Jail Liaison Unit staff, with either the Jail Liaison sergeant or lieutenant present during the panel review.