3-02/170.60 - Retirement

Categories for the Issuance of Credentials:

Issuance of Retirement badge - Civilian employees who are issued a badge during the course of employment to perform their duties, may be issued a retirement badge upon retirement, with the approval of the appropriate division chief or assistant sheriff.  The list of employees and the retirement badge(s) they qualify for is as follows:

Wallet Badge Only

Crime Laboratory Director

Crime Laboratory Assistant Director

Director, Bureau Operations

Assistant Director, Bureau Operations

Division Director

Assistant Division Director

Law Enforcement Psychologist

Industrial/Organizational Consultant


Both Uniform and Wallet Badges


Senior Criminalist

Supervising Criminalist

Forensic Identification Specialist I

Forensic Identification Specialist II

Supervising Forensic Identification Specialist

Civilian Investigator


If the civilian employee meets the criteria for a designated Department recognized retirement, and there is no cause to deny issuance, then he/she shall be granted:

  • Retirement Badge(s) (civilian)
  • Civilian Retirement Identification Card

Issuance of a Civilian Retirement Card - If the civilian employee meets the requirements for a designated Department recognized retirement, and there is no cause to deny issuance, then he/she will be issued:

  • Civilian Retirement Identification Card

Cause for denying the issuance of a civilian retirement badge and/or retirement identification card may be established by, but not limited to, the following:

  • The employee is retiring in lieu of termination;
  • The employee is to be granted a retirement by the Civil Service Commission following the appeal of termination;
  • The employee is rated 'unsatisfactory';
  • The employee is under investigation by Internal Affairs Bureau.  Internal Criminal Investigations Bureau, or any other law enforcement agency; or
  • Any other factors deemed appropriate.