3-02/170.55 - Retirement Credentialing of Sworn Personnel

An honorably retired peace officer, who retired prior to January 1, 1981, is not required to obtain an endorsement from the Department to carry a concealed firearm. Additionally, the Department may, upon initial retirement of that peace officer, or any time subsequent thereto, deny or revoke for good cause the retired officer's privilege to carry a concealed weapon and their retirement credentials.

A peace officer, who honorably retired after January 1, 1981, who is granted CCW privileges, must have an endorsement on the identification certificate stating that the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department approves the officer's carrying of a concealed firearm. The endorsement shall include the date when the endorsement is to be renewed. The retired peace officer shall petition the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for the renewal of his or her privilege to carry a concealed firearm every five years. The endorsement may be denied/revoked by the Department upon a hearing to show good cause. A retired peace officer shall have 15 days to respond to a notice of the right to a hearing, or failing to respond to the notice, forfeits the right to that hearing.

A retired officer may have their privilege to carry a concealed firearm denied or revoked for good cause based upon Departmental disciplinary actions, employment history, medical (pre or post), and incidents occurring before/after retirement which may bring discredit or embarrassment to the Department. In addition, violating any Departmental rules, state laws, or federal laws that if violated by an officer on active duty would result in that officer's arrest, suspension, or removal from the Department, are also grounds for denial or revocation.

Any hearing conducted shall be held before a three-member hearing board. One member of the board shall be selected by the Department (the division chief shall be involved in the decision). One member shall be selected by the retired peace officer or their employee organization. The third member shall be selected jointly by the Department and the retired peace officer, or his/her employee organization, and be mutually agreeable to both parties.

Any decision by the board shall be binding on behalf of the Department and the retired peace officer.

No peace officer retired after January 1, 1989, shall be issued an endorsement to carry a concealed firearm if that peace officer is retired because of a psychological disability.

A retired peace officer, who retired prior to January 1, 1981, who requests an updated identification card and was previously not required to obtain a CCW endorsement, would subsequently have to petition the Department for renewal of CCW privileges every five years.

The granting of retirement badges and credentials is a Departmental prerogative, not a right of the retired peace officer. The Department shall retain full discretionary rights in issuing and revoking credentials and badges.

The following sections delineate the specific requirements for a Department recognized retirement, categories for credential issuance, and procedures for issuing retirement badges and credentials.

Categories of Issuance Credentials

Fully Credentialed

An employee who has a minimum of twenty (20) years of sworn law enforcement service with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department or with an accredited local, state, federal, tribal, or military law enforcement agency with the final ten (10) years being with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, will meet the requirements for a designated Department recognized retirement if there is no cause to restrict their credentials. They shall be granted:

  • A Retirement Badge;
  • A Retirement Identification Card; and
  • Authorization to carry a concealed weapons permit (CCW Permit).

Partially Credentialed

If the employee has a minimum of ten (10) years of Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department service, meets the requirements for a designated Department recognized retirement, but it is determined they have a physical, or psychological condition which precludes the carrying and use of a concealed weapon, then it will be necessary to prepare the appropriate documentation for Case Review.

If at the time of the employee's retirement, it is determined by the concerned division chief that the employee has any of the aforementioned conditions, it will be necessary for the division aide to contact Personnel Administration. A request will then be initiated by Personnel Administration to the concerned employee to sign a Waiver to Release Confidential Information form. This will permit the Department a full review of confidential medical information contained at the Retirement Association, which is otherwise unavailable through the Disability Management and Compliance Unit.

If after reviewing the pertinent (LACERA) medical documentation, it is determined the employee does not meet the specific criteria commensurate with the responsibility of concealed weapon privileges, the concerned division chief will prepare a comprehensive investigative document to be presented before the Executive Review Panel. A decision will be rendered, and the concerned employee shall be issued:

  • Retirement Badge
  • Retirement Identification Card

Note - Identification does not reflect the authorization to carry a concealed weapon. Any retiree who has a psychological condition which precludes their continued employment with this Department, shall automatically be denied a CCW privilege.

Non-Credentialed - If the employee meets the requirements for a designated Department recognized retirement, but it is determined the Department has 'good cause' to deny retirement credentials and CCW privileges, they shall be issued:

  • Retirement identification card indicating retirement from Los Angeles County