3-02/170.65 - Retirement Credential

When it comes to the Department's attention a retired employee, who retired prior to January 1, 1981, has become involved in actions which cause embarrassment or discredit to the Department, that person's credentials will be revoked and stored at Personnel Administration, pending review.  The Employee Service Center will prepare the necessary documents for an Executive Case Review and reconsideration of retirement credentials.  If the Department rules for less than full credentials, the retired employee will be notified by Personnel Administration and advised of the appeal procedures.

It will be the responsibility of all Division Chiefs, when any retired member of this Department comes to their attention in a negative manner, (i.e., misuse of retirement credentials, driving while under the influence, mental instability, arrest, etc.) to notify Personnel Administration immediately.

All retirees who are suspects in any of the aforementioned allegations or any other violations of law will be investigated by Personnel Administration, and consideration will be given to the revocation of their retirement credentials and/or CCW privileges.  It will be the responsibility of Personnel Administration to conduct an investigation into the matter and prepare documentation for executive review.

When it comes to the Department's attention, a retired employee, who retired after January 1, 1981, has become involved in actions which cause embarrassment or discredit to the Department, that person's privilege to carry a concealed firearm may be revoked and the individual's retirement badge will be withdrawn and held at Personnel Administration, pending review.  The Employee Service Center will prepare the necessary documents for an executive case review and reconsideration of their retirement credentials.

If the Department rules for less than full credentials, the retired employee shall be notified by Personnel Administration of the Department's intent to revoke the retiree’s CCW privileges and/or retirement badge and will specify the grounds upon which the intended revocation is based.  The retired employee will be given fifteen (15) days from the date of notice to respond and request a hearing.

If the retired employee fails to respond within the fifteen (15) days, they forfeit the right to a hearing and the Department can affect the revocation.  Upon notice of the revocation, the retired employee must immediately surrender their identification card to the Department. The Department must then reissue an identification card without CCW endorsement.

If the retired employee responds and requests a hearing within the fifteen (15) day notice, a hearing must be conducted by a three-member board. Personnel Administration has the responsibility for scheduling the hearing and coordinating the formation of the hearing board.   The decision of the hearing board shall be binding upon the Department and the retired employee.

When it comes to the Department's attention, a retired civilian employee has become involved in actions which cause embarrassment to the Department, that person's credentials will be withdrawn and stored at Personnel Administration pending review. 

The Employee Service Center will prepare the necessary documents for an executive case review and reconsideration of retirement credentials.  If the Department rules for less than full credentials, the retired employee will be notified by Personnel Administration and advised of the appeal procedure.