Effective Date: 10-07-07
Reviewed Date: 02-26-20
Reference: CDM 3-06/060.00, 4-13/000.00
This order establishes procedures for facility security inspections at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.
This order applies to the PDC South Facility lieutenant who has the facility inspections collateral and the PDC South Facility maintenance coordinator/safety officer.
To ensure adequate inspection procedures, the PDC South Facility lieutenant who has the facility inspections collateral shall conduct a facility security inspection once a month.
The facility maintenance coordinator/safety officer shall be responsible for the testing of all facility barrack rear fire door alarm systems, to ensure they are in good working order and have not been tampered with.
Upon inspecting these doors, the maintenance coordinator/safety officer shall notify the PDC South Facility lieutenant who has the facility inspections collateral to advise of his findings. The discovery of any inadequacy shall result in the immediate action by the inspecting lieutenant to correct the problem.
The completed checklists, including findings and/or remedial action taken or recommended, shall be submitted to the South Facility unit commander. The unit commander shall review and document any further remedial action which may be warranted on the report.
The completed checklists shall be retained in the operations office for two years.
Revision Date 02/26/19
Revision Date 01/27/10
10/07/07 SOUF