3-05-055 CCTV and Video Recording Equipment Inspections

3-05-055 CCTV and Video Recording Equipment Inspections

Effective Date: 06-26-18

Revision Date:

Review Date: 06-26-20

Reference: CDM 7-06/010.00 Video Recording Procedures



The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for daily inspections of all hand held and fixed Closed Circuit Television video (CCTV) recording equipment.



This order applies to all personnel assigned to, or working at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.



The use of video cameras within PDC South Facility is to enhance safety and effectiveness for personnel in the performance of their duties, and to provide a reviewable electronic record of incidents. 

Portable video cameras (e.g., camcorders, iPods, etc.) are handheld devices used to record incidents, interviews, crime scenes, and any other situation where audio/video evidence would be useful.
All video equipment must be approved by the Custody Training and Standards Bureau (CTSB) prior to use in the Custody Services Divisions. For a current list of approved video equipment and accessories, please contact CTSB Operations at (323) 526-5514.

Fixed video surveillance involves cameras permanently or temporarily mounted in designated locations which continuously record all activities in the cameras' view.


General Video Equipment Inspection
South Facility watch commanders shall ensure all video recording equipment is inspected once per shift. This requires the watch commander to confirm that personnel who use video equipment inspect their devices at the beginning of each shift to verify the following: 

  • Account for all assigned video recording equipment
  • That all equipment is working properly
  • Any necessary repairs are documented appropriately

Portable Video Equipment Inspection

  • Ensure batteries for video recording equipment are charged
  • The camera should be pre-set to record in a high quality mode
  • The camera should not be pre-set to record with a time/date stamp as that information can be inaccurate if not set correctly and checked daily
  • When applicable, there should be a blank memory storage device in the video camera and at least two additional blank memory storage devices available at the beginning of each shift
  • The portable video equipment inspection shall be documented in the Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL)

Fixed Video Equipment Inspection 

  • At the beginning of each shift the watch commander shall confirm all CCTV surveillance cameras are properly functioning, and recording, by logging into the system and retrieving a sample recording from the previous shift.
  • Once per shift the watch commander shall ensure real-time footage accurately reflects the correct date and time of day.
  • These two CCTV reviews shall be documented on the Watch Commander’s Shift Summary (watch commander’s log) for each shift. Additionally, should any malfunctions or problems be identified, the watch commander shall complete the Watch Commander’s CCTV Repair Request and submit it to South Facility operations.
  • South Facility operations shall submit a ticket to the CCTV help desk and add a copy of the CCTV repair request to the following South Facility share file folder: [REDACTED TEXT]
  • The watch commander shall document all actions taken in the watch commander’s log, including the time the repair request was initiated.
  • Once per shift, line personnel, including PDC laundry facility employees, shall inspect fixed CCTV cameras in their work area and shall document their inspections in the UDAL logs. Any damaged CCTV equipment shall be reported to line supervisors.
  • Once per shift, the EM shift supervising line deputy shall log into the CCTV application and conduct a visual review of every CCTV camera angle. This review shall be noted in the watch commander’s log, as well as any corrective actions taken.
  • The CCJV sergeant and line sergeant shall review two CCTV Title 15 walks each shift.


06/26/18 SOUF