Effective Date: 07-30-13
Revision Date: 08-23-18
Review Date: 08-23-20
Reference: CDM 4-11/030.00; Title 15, Section 1027
The purpose of this order is to set forth and establish procedures for inmate safety checks and the required documentation of the check at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and/or working in any capacity at PDC South Facility.
All inmates in our custody shall be visually checked at least once each hour to ensure their safety and welfare. Lack of proper inmate monitoring and documentation could subject the responsible personnel to disciplinary action and/or civil lawsuits.
All inmates in our custody shall be visually checked at least once each hour to ensure their safety and welfare. Department members conducting these checks The Title 15 deputy, with the help of compound personnel, shall:
All personnel assigned to each compound shall be equally responsible for ensuring all safety checks are completed on schedule and properly entered into the UDAL books.
All security checks shall be conducted with a minimum of two department members. One shall be positioned at the front doors of the barracks while the other(s) physically conducts the inmate security check.
The department member(s) Personnel making conducting the security check shall use the “Title 15 Checks” scanner section on the iPod assigned to their compound to document the walk. This shall be repeated for each barrack in the compound. The time of the walk shall be written in the UDAL. Scanning does not take the place of recording the safety check in the UDAL. After the security checks are completed for the compound, the scanner shall be docked scans stored on the iPod shall be uploaded. Lack of proper inmate monitoring and documentation could subject the responsible personnel to disciplinary action and/or civil lawsuits.
Currently, there are two ways to synchronize (dock) the scanners. The first method is to use the docking cradles located in the IPA, Eddie Compound Trailer or the Report Writing room.
The iPod will be synchronized, and the scans will upload when the user walks into a Wi-Fi “hotspot” (an area where there is a strong Wi-Fi signal).
The second method to synchronize the scanner by standing near a WIFI antenna positioned on the roof of the South Clinic. To verify the scanner iPod is synchronizing, the Title 15 deputy shall:
A complete tutorial on how to dock the scanners is located on the South Facility Intranet page, under the Procedures link.
If a Title 15 scanner an iPod is not in use due to equipment/network failure, department members from the respective area the Title 15 deputy from the compound experiencing the problem shall:
If there are no available scanners, department members shall still conduct security checks and properly record them in the UDAL. If the Title 15 scanner is unavailable for more than a 24 hour period, notification shall be made to the watch commander and entered into the facility log. If a Title 15 scanner an iPod becomes inoperable due to damage, whether accidental or intentional, a work order shall be submitted and a “Damage to County Property” SH-R-49, “Damage to County Property” report shall be written. A copy of the report shall be sent to the Correctional Innovative Technology Unit (CITU) along with the inoperable Title 15 scanner iPod. If a Title 15 scanner cannot be repaired and needs to be replaced, the respective unit commander shall write a memorandum to the division chief explaining the reason for the replacement.
If there are no available iPods, personnel shall still conduct security checks and properly record them in the UDAL.
The watch commander shall monitor the hourly Title 15 checks for compliance by using the following LASD intranet link:
In the event If the dashboard shows noncompliance, the watch commander shall immediately notify the line sergeant to investigate the reason for the noncompliance notification.
The watch sergeant shall monitor the hourly Title 15 checks for compliance by using the following LASD intranet link:
In the event If the dashboard shows noncompliance, the watch sergeant shall immediately notify the line sergeant and watch commander to investigate the reason for the noncompliance notification.
The line sergeant shall accompany line personnel on a compound (3 barracks) security check at least once during each shift. The security check shall be documented in the UDAL along with the sergeant’s name.
Upon notification from the watch commander or watch sergeant that a compound is out of compliance, the line sergeant shall immediately determine the reason for the noncompliance and have it corrected immediately. The findings shall be reported to the watch commander.
Additionally, the UDAL books shall be audited at least once per week by the Title 15 sergeant to ensure all Title 15 requirements are met and properly documented. Any discrepancies shall be reported via e-mail to the concerned shift lieutenant.
The supervising line deputies shall assist the line sergeant with ensuring all Title 15 requirements are met and properly documented.
Revision Date 08/24/18
07/30/13 SOUF