Effective Date: 12-01-95
Revision Date: 03-04-19
Review Date: 03-04-21
Reference: CDM 3-06/060.00
The purpose of this order is to establish procedures that will ensure regular security inspections are conducted of all interior, exterior, and compound fences and gates at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at PDC South, specifically the watch commander, PDC roving patrol (Adam) units, compound rovers, and the line sergeant for each shift.
Personnel assigned to [REDACTED TEXT] This shall be accomplished by [REDACTED TEXT] After each inspection, the inspecting Adam units shall notify the watch deputy. The watch deputy shall document the completed inspection in the facility log, noting the results and the time the inspection was completed.
The watch commander shall walk the outer perimeter fence line [REDACTED TEXT] and physically ensure all gates/fences are secure and operable. Each exterior perimeter check performed by the watch commander shall be documented in the PDC South Facility “Watch Commander’s Shift Summary” including the time and who performed the inspection.
Compound rovers, for each shift, shall be responsible for a security inspection of all interior compound gates/fences. Compound rovers, as soon as possible after making relief, shall walk around their respective compounds and physically ensure all interior gates/fences are secure and operable. Compound rovers shall also check all windows and doors on each barrack to ensure they are all secure and functioning properly with no damage. Upon completion of this inspection, the Compound rover shall fill out the “Daily Security Inspection” form that is delivered [REDACTED TEXT] by the supervising line deputy. The “Daily Security Inspection” form shall be completed by the Compound rover, noting any damage or security issues, and returned to the supervising line deputy. The supervising line deputy shall scan the completed inspection forms into PDC South Facility’s share files in the following location:
If, during any of the facility security inspections, security hazards or potential security hazards are discovered, the employee who discovers the hazard shall immediately notify the watch sergeant or watch commander.
Revision Date 03/04/19
Revision Date 04/25/08
12/01/95 SOUF