Effective Date: 03-27-92
Revision Date: 04-22-19
Review Date: 04-22-21
Reference: CDM 3-06/090.00
The purpose of this order is to establish guidelines and procedures for the distribution and collection of various work tools used by inmates at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at PDC South Facility who supervise inmate work crews that utilize various culinary, gardening, and hand tools.
A major concern at PDC South facility is the distribution and control of tools accessible to inmates. One method to minimize the threat of tapering or the loss of tools is to inventory all tools, followed by a stringent checkout and return procedure, and completed by a thorough search of the inmates to whom tools are issued.
Culinary tools are secured in a locked cabinet located in the PDC ranch kitchen/officer’s dining room (ODR) security office and the PDC South Facility kitchen/inmate dining room (IDR) security office. All tools are placed on a shadow board, with the exception of knives. Knives at the PDC ranch ODR are locked in designated slots. All culinary tools are individually marked for identification and their location inside the cabinet is similarly marked.
At the start and end of each shift, ODR and IDR security personnel shall inventory each tool and log the inventory in the security office log book. ODR and IDR security personnel shall account for the kitchen key blocks at the beginning and end of each shift. At the beginning of the shift, the PDC South Facility main control desk (David) personnel shall account for all kitchen keys.
Gardening tools are secured in a cargo container and placed on racks marked for the designated tool. The tools are individually marked for identification and signs above the racks indicate the placement of shovels, hoes, rakes, and pickaxes. Gardening tools shall be issued to “inside worker” inmates by the PDC South Facility maintenance officer and recorded on a checkout sheet which is located on a board inside the container.
Hand tools for maintenance and building shall be secured inside a cargo container and placed on shadow boards. The tools will be individually marked for identification and their location on the shadow board similarly marked. Hand tools shall be issued to “inside worker” inmates by the PDC South Facility maintenance officer and recorded on a checkout sheet located on a board inside the container.
Facilities Services Bureau (FSB) maintenance workers shall keep their tools in locked containers located in the secured, fenced-in area between Barrack 30 and Barrack 31. All tools shall be accounted for, and documented on an inventory list located in the locked containers. Any tools needed for maintenance are to be checked out and checked back in, and documented on a paper log located in the locked containers.
Any non-PDC FSB maintenance workers or independent contracted repair workers entering PDC South Facility shall be responsible for maintaining a list of tools they bring into the facility. This list shall contain a documentation of all their tool inventory and be in their possession while they are inside security. Once maintenance or repair work is completed, the FSB maintenance worker or independent contracted repair worker shall be responsible for accounting for their own tools and insuring none are left behind or unsecured. PDC South David personnel allowing entry to any maintenance workers or contracted repair workers shall ensure they have a current tool inventory list in their possession at that time. Upon completion of their task, maintenance workers shall check in with South David personnel to verify all tools are accounted for.
PDC South Facility personnel working in any area where maintenance or repair work was performed, shall conduct a visual check of the area and immediately notify the watch sergeant if any missing or unsecured tools are recovered after maintenance or repair work is completed.
Tools that are removed for repair or replacement shall be documented on their respective inventory lists. The watch sergeant shall be notified immediately if a tool is missing or unaccounted for.
Any and all tools needed by an inmate work crew shall be issued by the deputy or custody assistant (CA) who supervise the work crew and the issuance of all tools shall be recorded on a checkout sheet. Once the inmates have completed their work, all tools shall be accounted for, inspected, checked in and secured.
Revision Date 04/22/18
Revision Date 11/18/15
03/27/97 SOUF