Effective Date: 12-01-08
Revision Date: 10-27-16
Review Date: 10-27-18
The purpose of this order is to establish standard procedures for the proper use and security of the facility compound gates.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to, and working at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.
PDC South Facility is comprised of twenty two (22) barracks, separated into seven (7) compounds by security fences and gates. The interior security gates and fences serve to separate housed inmates into manageable groups, in order to isolate problems should a disturbance occur within the facility.
The gates between compounds are commonly known as “slam” gates. These gates are designed to close and lock upon being pushed closed. The only means of opening the gates, once closed, are with the appropriate key.
All interior compound gates shall be kept in the closed and locked position at all times when not being traversed by inmates or staff. Once traversed, the gate(s) shall be immediately secured by the personnel allowing for access through it. Additionally, at no time, will personnel advise or allow inmates to open, close or hold the gates.
During times, such as the evening inmate meal, the compound gates will need to be left open for an extended period of time. During that time, designated personnel shall remain close enough to the gate to be able to immediately close the gate. This will prevent the inmates from gaining control of the gate(s) and/or to isolate a problem. Personnel should be positioned no further than 10 feet away from the open gate in order to ensure the gate can be secured immediately.
Gates shall never be locked or secured in an open position, in such a manner as to prevent the gate from being immediately shut and locked.