Effective Date: 07-15-14
Revision Date: 10-30-20
Review Date: 10-30-22
Reference: CDM 4-07/020.00
This order establishes policy and guidelines The purpose of this order is establish procedures for identification and documentation of maintenance requests.
This order shall apply applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.
Maintenance requests must be made routinely by all personnel who find equipment in need of repair. All maintenance requests, except emergent after-hours requests, will shall be submitted via email to the South Facility Maintenance Office.
Maintenance requests shall be submitted whenever any of the following are discovered:
All maintenance requests made to the maintenance office shall be logged in the respective compound UDAL.
Maintenance Office personnel will enter the maintenance request(s) into Facilities Services Bureau (FSB) Maximo System. The statuses of maintenance requests are routinely monitored by the Supervising Line Deputy and by the maintenance through continued review of the progress on the maintenance requests and inspection of the concerned areas.
A notebook in the maintenance office contains all pending maintenance requests and any needed follow-up calls are noted on the maintenance request. Interaction between the maintenance office personnel and the assigned FSB maintenance personnel ensure clear communication on prioritizing maintenance jobs.
Any unexplained routine maintenance, which is delayed more than 10 days, is brought to the attention of the supervising line deputy, for follow-up with FSB personnel.
Delays longer than three (3) weeks are to be brought to the attention of the operations sergeant, for notification to the operations lieutenant and follow-up with the concerned FSB supervisors.
Emergency repairs must be reported immediately to a supervisor, logged in the UDAL, and a maintenance request submitted via UDAL. After hours and on weekends, emergency repairs must be requested through the Twin Towers Correctional Facility control at (213) 893-5100. The watch commander will ensure FSB personnel respond to handle emergency repair, noting both the problem and the disposition in the Watch Commander's Log.
In the event a mold infestation is discovered, immediate attempts shall be made to remove the infestation. A solution of 60% BLEACH/ 40% WATER should be sprayed on the affected area and scrubbed with a brush. Reapply the solution until the area is mold free. Wipe the area down with a clean cloth and allow it to dry. If necessary, prepare the affected area with “Zinsser mold killing primer,” and apply a finish paint once it is applicable to do so.
Inmates shall not have access to bleach or “Zinsser mold killing primer.” These items shall be locked in a storage container and maintained by maintenance personnel. When the above cleaning materials are needed, the requesting deputy or officer shall notify maintenance personnel via a maintenance request on South Facility’s intranet page.
For large mold infestations, Facilities Services Bureau (FSB) shall be notified immediately. FSB personnel shall determine the source of the infestation and the steps for treatment.
Revision Date 10/30/20
07/15/14 SOUF