3-05-080 Facility Towers

3-05-080 Facility Towers

Effective Date: 09-10-97

Revision Date: 03-17-17

Review Date: 03-17-19

Reference: CDM 5-08/010.0



The purpose of this order is to establish guidelines procedures pertaining to the security towers between the perimeter fences of the Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.



This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at PDC South Facility.




The primary function of the tower position is to monitor the safety of civilian employees and compound officers, conduct visual perimeter checks, guard against escapes, and report fires, fights, unusual occurrences, and security violations (e.g., suspicious activity, vehicles, or persons at or near the interior/exterior fence line).


Reading material, visual electronic devices (e.g., televisions, video games, lap top computers, etc.) or other items that may distract tower personnel and diminish their ability to remain vigilant, are not permitted within the tower. Tower personnel are responsible for the presence of, and removal of any such items.

After a period of four (4) hours, personnel should notify the on-duty supervising line deputy to arrange relief and rotate out for a period of thirty (30) minutes, if relief is available. The purpose of this personnel rotation is to ensure continued diligence in monitoring perimeter of the facility.

The towers shall be inspected at least once per month by the facility maintenance coordinator/safety officer in order to keep them fully operational, should the need arise to use them.

Any activity involving the inspection or staffing of the towers shall be recorded in the designated Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL) book located in each respective work location.

For additional information on the specific responsibilities of tower officers, refer to the PDC South tower deputy duty statement.


Revision Date 10/30/20

09/10/97 SOUF