3-05-085 Perimeter Light Inspection

3-05-085 Perimeter Light Inspection

Effective Date: 05-14-20

Revision Date:

Review Date: 05-14-22

Reference: CDM 3-06/020.00



The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for ensuring the proper functioning of perimeter lights at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.



This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and/or working at PDC South Facility.




The inspection of the perimeter lights shall be documented on the “Pitchess Detention Center - South Facility Daily Security Inspection Sheet – Perimeter Lighting” form. The form shall then be submitted to the EM shift supervising line deputy for processing.

The EM shift supervising line deputy shall notify the EM shift watch deputy of any reported malfunctioning lights (e.g., burned out, flickering, etc.). The EM shift watch deputy shall submit a facility maintenance request [REDACTED TEXT] noting the specific light number and problem. Malfunctioning lights, and submittal of any maintenance requests pertaining to them, shall be documented in the EM shift watch deputy’s log.


05/14/20 SOUF