Effective Date: 06-26-97
Revision Date: 08-15-18
Review Date: 08-15-20
Reference: CDM sections 3-06/120.00, 3-06/130.00
This The purpose of this order is to establishes policy and guidelines procedures for the issuance and control of keys at Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and/or works in any capacity working at PDC South Facility, specifically the desk officer and watch deputy.
Newly assigned personnel shall be issued a front gate/office (67) key and a gun locker key (for deputies). Female employees will also be issued a women’s locker room (NR) key (to the women's locker room). These keys shall remain with the employee while the employee is assigned to PDC South Facility and shall be returned to the key collateral sergeant when the employee is transferred.
Newly assigned lieutenants and sergeants shall be issued the following keys: a 67, gun locker, SLR, and an NR key (to the women's locker room) (for female personnel).
Compound gate keys (blocks) are numbered, secured on welded rings and stored in a key locker at PDC South main control (David). At the beginning of each shift, the South David desk officer will count the inventory in the key locker and account for each key block listed on the South Facility key log. The desk officer will list all new key block assignments on the key control roster and in-service sheet.
All oncoming personnel, on each shift, will receive their assigned keys a key block from the desk officer. Personnel shall not obtain a key block from the person they relieve. Any discrepancy shall be brought immediately to the attention of the watch deputy.
The exchange of keys shall be made at the PDC South Facility desk South David key drop slot only. Departing personnel shall not wait in the area in or around Main Control or attempt to move further up the compound in an attempt to hasten their departure.
If an employee's assigned relief is late, that employee should contact the watch sergeant, who will determine whether the employee shall be held over or allowed to leave.
Following the count at the beginning of each shift, the watch deputy or desk officer shall conduct an inventory using roll call and ask each employee to identify all key blocks they have in their possession. The desk officer shall be responsible for documenting all key block assignments accounting for all keys on the key log located in South Facility’s shared files in the following location: \\1-pdc-01\Sharefil\PDC - SOUTH FACILITY\04 Desk\Key-RTSC Log. In the event any key block is unaccounted for or missing, the watch sergeant shall immediately be notified. Any visiting personnel (not compound personnel) who require a key block are to be tracked on the Entry/Exit Key Tracker located at South David.
All personnel shall maintain personal possession of their keys at all times. At no time shall personnel give their key block to someone else to handle the key exchange for them. If this occurs, both employees (the one who gave away the key block and the one who received it) will be in violation of this order, and will be subject to disciplinary action.
Whenever a PDC South Facility emergency response team (E.R.T.) response is required to leave the facility, a sergeant or senior deputy will collect the key blocks assigned to the team members before they leave PDC South Facility.
Personnel eating lunch away from PDC South Facility, but remaining on Ranch property, may retain their keys. Personnel leaving the facility or who will be away for an extended amount of time shall return their key blocks to the watch deputy or desk officer.
At no time will one shall any employee give his/her keys to another employee to hold while they leave the facility for a lunch break. The only exception to this rule is when the employee has made prior arrangements to leave the keys with the shift senior deputy.
With the exception of the assigned watch commander, key collateral sergeant, or main
control personnel assigned to South David, shift personnel shall not remove keys from, or place keys in, the key cabinet. Whenever keys are removed from the key cabinet, a note shall be made in the key log, listing who to whom those keys were issued to. The key cabinet shall be kept locked except when accessing keys. The watch deputy shall maintain key cabinet security.
With the exception of the key collateral sergeant, no one shall remove keys from the key safe without the direction of the watch commander. In all cases, when a set of keys is taken, a memo shall be directed to the key collateral sergeant.
To obtain new keys, arrangements should be made in advance with the key collateral sergeant. In cases of immediate need, arrangements must be approved by the watch commander and a memorandum, detailing listing the keys that were obtained, shall be sent to the key collateral sergeant.
If a key becomes inoperable, the watch sergeant will shall be notified and a repair tag will shall be placed on the key block. The watch sergeant will ensure that the key collateral sergeant is notified, who will then notify the maintenance coordinator and submit a repair order.
All compound locks shall be inspected on a daily basis and serviced on a bi-yearly basis. All locks found to be malfunctioning or “sticking” shall immediately be reported to maintenance personnel for repair.
Personnel shall, without delay, notify their immediate supervisor of missing or lost key blocks. Additionally, the concerned supervisor shall immediately advise the watch commander of the missing or lost key blocks.
Should the watch commander discover a key block missing, he/she shall initiate a search for the missing key block and conduct an inquiry concerning its disappearance. If the keys are missing key block is found, the watch commander shall ensure that the keys are returned to the unit for placement into service. If the watch commander determines that negligence was a contributing factor in the keys key block’s disappearance, then the watch commander shall take whatever additional appropriate action he/she deems necessary.
If the missing key block cannot be found, and all reasonable efforts to locate it have been expended, the watch commander shall prepare a memorandum indicating and describe his/her attempts to locate it. The watch commander shall inform the key collateral lieutenant concerning the missing keys. The watch commander shall also direct a member from the assigned shift on which the keys were discovered missing, to prepare a "Lost Property" report on an Incident Report (SH-R-49). The employee who was responsible for the missing key block shall prepare a detailed memorandum to the unit commander.
The watch deputy and the desk officer for each shift has the collateral duty of key control. He/she will be responsible for maintaining an inventory of all keys and will assist the key collateral sergeant as directed.
Note: To prevent a key from accidentally sliding off the ring, all security key blocks must be soldered shut.
There are twelve emergency response key blocks in the key cabinet in Main Control located at South David. Each key block holds the following keys: OGP, AB1, AB2, 67, FP1, Y59 (Yale lock) and M59 (Master lock).
Revision Date 08/15/18
Revision Date 05/02/18
06/26/97 SOUF