8-02/010.00 General Requests

Any requests requiring follow-up beyond the line or housing staff’s capabilities, shall be submitted on an Inmate Request Form and require reference numbers.

Examples of general requests and the units to which they are assigned include, but are not limited to:

  • Electronic monitoring - Community Based Alternatives to Custody unit (CBAC)
  • Re-entry services - Community Transition Unit (CTU)
  • Veteran's assistance - CTU
  • General Relief - CTU
  • Homeless services - CTU
  • Educational programming and Fire Camps, including Milestones and vocational classes - Education Based Incarceration unit (EBI)
  • Participation in Custody Conservation Work programs - Prisoner Personnel Office (PPO)
  • Religious and volunteer services - Office of Religious and Volunteer Services (RVS)

The Inmate Request Form is not meant to discuss issues at length, nor is it to be utilized by inmates for resolution of grievances against staff. These types of concerns are to be submitted on an Inmate Grievance Form.

The inmate shall place a single request per form. If the inmate includes on a single form multiple unrelated requests, the form shall be returned and the inmate advised to use a separate form for each unrelated request.

Inmate requests shall be handled to conclusion and updated in Custody Automated Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date they were received by the Inmate Grievance Team in accordance with section 8-04/040.00, "Time Frames," absent exceptional circumstances. Refer to section 8-04/040.05, "Extensions."

Exceptions to this time frame may include requests which require research or the involvement of other units or bureaus, as may be the case with requests for credit calculation or inmate program placement. Other complications or delays with resolving inmate requests shall be brought to the attention of a supervisor.

An inmate’s signature is not required for the disposition portion of any type of request.

Inmate requests cannot be appealed. Inmates dissatisfied with a response to an Inmate Request Form shall complete and submit an Inmate Grievance Form to seek a resolution. If an inmate does not receive a response to a request within fifteen (15) calendar days, he or she may file a second request or submit an Inmate Grievance Form.

Any Inmate Request Forms received related to healthcare shall be delivered, in person, to an on-duty supervising staff nurse.