6-05/050.00 Inmates Requiring HIV/AIDS Medication

The jailer and the watch commander shall be notified immediately when an inmate claims they take HIV/AIDS medication. Once the arresting deputy (officer) confirms the inmates takes HIV/AIDS medication, the deputy (officer) shall ask the inmate:

  • When their next dose is needed
  • Confirm if they have any medication in his/her possession
  • Confirm if the medication can be brought to the station in a reasonable time

The jailer and watch commander shall be briefed on the status of the inmate's responses.

Any medication the inmate possesses prescribed for HIV/AIDS (and accompanying bottles/containers) shall be booked into his/her property in order for it to accompany the inmate to IRC or CDRF if/when transported. This medication shall not be put into the inmate's bulk property at the station.


The watch commander shall determine the proper course of action to ensure the inmate receives his/her required medication on time. In determining the proper course of action, the watch commander shall consult with the supervising clinic nurse from IRC at [REDACTED TEXT].

Whether the inmate is going to be released or transported to IRC or CRDF, either process should be attended to as expeditiously as possible. If the inmate claims he/she is scheduled to have their next dose of medication before being released or transported to IRC or CRDF, the inmate shall be allowed to self-medicate.

In the event the inmate does not have the medication in their possession, he/she shall be allowed sufficient time to arrange (via telephone) to have the medication brought to the station. This option may be considered provided the medication would arrive before the inmate could be transported to IRC or CRDF.

If the inmate is transported to IRC or CRDF before the medication arrives, the medication shall not be accepted. Station personnel shall not direct anyone to take medication to IRC or CRDF for an inmate unless requested to do so by IRC or CRDF medical staff.

  • NOTE: The self-medication option is to be used only in those instances in which an inmate is due to have a dose of medication before he/she could be transported to IRC or CRDF.


Regardless of packaging/labeling, all medications must be verified prior to allowing an inmate to self-medicate. In order to ensure proper identification, the following criteria shall be met:

  • The inmate shall be positively identified by reliable picture identification (Driver License, etc.) or through fingerprints to confirm ownership of the medication
  • The medication must be identified as a known HIV/AIDS medication listed on the prescription by comparing the inmate's medication to a photo of the known medication as pictured on the identification chart provided by
    • Medical Services (Daily Dosing of Available Antiretroviral Agents)
    • Physician's Desk Reference (PDR)

There are no generic versions of HIV/AIDS medication, any medication claimed as such by an inmate should be pictured on the chart.


If the determination is made to allow the inmate to self-medicate and the inmate has chosen to do so, the jailer shall have the inmate sign the Self-Medication Waiver (SH-J-433) prior to allowing him/her to self-medicate. Once the waiver is signed, the jailer shall allow the inmate access to his/her medication.

NOTE: It is illegal for unlicensed persons to "administer" medication, therefore, the jailer shall not give medication to the inmate. Instead, the jailer shall allow the inmate to retrieve the proper dose out of his/her supply of medication. The jailer must ensure the inmate takes the medication in their presence and visually examine the inside of the inmate's mouth to verify the inmate swallowed the medication.

The jailer shall then complete the "Medication" portion of the Self-Medication Waiver by entering the time the medication was taken, the total number of capsules/tablets taken, a description of the capsules/tablets taken. The jailer shall print and sign his/her name (no initials) and employee number in the designated spaces.

In some instances, it is required that the medication be taken with food. If this is the case, the jailer shall provide the inmate with a snack (sandwich, etc.) as necessary. Once processing is completed, the inmate shall be immediately transported to IRC or CRDF.

The jailer shall enter the inmate's name, booking number, the time, and type of medication taken by the inmate in the e-UDAL.