6-05/040.00 Medical Segregation

All inmates with, or suspected to have, a communicable disease shall be processed in accordance with CDM section 4-08/000.00, "Reporting of HIV/AIDS and other Communicable Diseases."

The Los Angeles County Unified Arrestee Medical Screening Form shall be utilized to determine if the arrestee requires medical segregation.

Any "yes" response signifying the arrestee has hepatitis, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), venereal disease, or tuberculosis (TB) shall require segregation. The following procedures, pursuant to MPP section 5-03/025.00, "Booking and Property Record Form (B&PR)" shall be followed.

This includes:

  • The inmate shall be immediately segregated from other inmates and provided with a surgical mask (for TB only), to avoid contagion from coughing or sneezing
  • A minimum amount of physical contact should occur between personnel and inmates
  • Personnel shall wear personal protective equipment when handling these inmates
  • The inmate shall be transported expeditiously to IRC or CRDF for evaluation by the medical staff
  • The facility shall be advised upon arrival, that the inmate may have a communicable disease

Any inmate who indicates he/she is taking prescribed medication and under a doctor's care shall be transported to IRC/CRDF as soon as possible.


Station jail facilities that do not have sufficient areas to adequately segregate inmates with communicable diseases, shall transport those inmates to IRC/CRDF.

Some examples of communicable diseases are:

AIDS/HIV: Any inmate identified as having AIDS/HIV, shall be segregated from other inmates, and immediately transferred to IRC/CRDF. The AIDS/HIV is most commonly transmitted through sexual contact, and blood-to-blood exchange.

Hepatitis A: Any inmate identified as having Hepatitis A shall be immediately segregated, and immediately transferred to IRC/CRDF. The Hepatitis A virus is transmitted through the fecal-oral route

Hepatitis B: Any inmate identified as having Hepatitis B shall be immediately segregated, and immediately transferred to IRC/CRDF. The Hepatitis B virus is transmitted through contact with infectious bodily fluids including saliva.

Hepatitis C: Any inmate identified as having hepatitis C shall be immediately segregated, and immediately transferred to IRC/CRDF. The Hepatitis C virus is transmitted through large or repeated blood to blood contact.

Tuberculosis: Any inmate identified as having tuberculosis shall be segregated, given a surgical mask to wear, and immediately transferred to IRC/CRDF. Tuberculosis is an airborne pathogen, and is transmitted through inhalation or by entry of the airborne pathogens into an open wound. An indication that the inmate had tuberculosis will not require segregation; however, it shall be documented on the Los Angeles County Unified Arrestee Medical Screening Form.

Employee Exposure: In the event an employee is exposed to blood, bodily fluids or airborne pathogens of an inmate with a communicable disease, and suspects that the transmission of AIDS, hepatitis A, B, and C, tuberculosis, or any other communicable disease has occurred, the employee shall:

  • Clean and disinfect the area and seek medical attention immediately
  • After the employee has sought immediate medical attention, gather pertinent identifying information on the individual (including what led the employee to believe the individual has an infectious disease)
  • Contact a supervisor immediately, and complete the appropriate employee exposure/injury paperwork, which should be completed no later than two days after the incident

Preventative Measures: Prolonged contact with inmates with the above listed communicable diseases should be avoided. Additionally, the following principles of prevention and hygiene should be followed:

  • Educate employees regarding handling the principle contagious diseases most prevalent among inmate populations, and within particular demographic areas of Los Angeles County
  • Advise employees it is highly recommended to obtain Flu vaccinations, Hepatitis vaccinations, and Tuberculosis skin tests on an annual basis. Employees may contact Risk Management Bureau, at [REDACTED TEXT] for information regarding vaccination locations
  • Utilize protective equipment when handling or searching all inmates (and their property), particularly those suspected of having communicable diseases
  • Wash hands after handling or searching inmates
  • Utilize hand sanitizer
  • Segregate and transfer (to IRC or CRDF) those inmates identified as having communicable diseases
  • Sanitize areas where inmates with communicable diseases have been held
  • Report and document any exposure to communicable diseases, and any medical care sought out