6-05/060.00 Miscellaneous Medical Procedures

If requested, contact or consultation with the inmate’s private physician may be allowed.


At the station level, there are no medical facilities or medical treatment which would require informed consent.

At the station level, only over the counter medication may be furnished. This is excluded from the requirements of the informed consent section, 6030 PC.


Inmate workers or other inmates housed at station jails shall be allowed over-the-counter medications. Prescription medication ordered and issued from a staff physician from a Type II facility, may also be self-medicated. Refer to the "Jailer's Responsibilities" section above for dispensing medication procedures.

When any medication is dispensed, the date, time, type and dosage shall be noted on the Station Inmate Inspection Record (SH-CR-468) and e-UDAL.


Prescription drugs will not be stored or administered at station jails (Type I facilities) for pre-sentenced inmates, with the exception of inhalers. Inmates with asthma may retain possession of one prescribed inhaler after receiving an "OK TO BOOK" from a physician, ascertaining the inmate has been diagnosed with asthma.

Any exception to this policy must be approved by the unit commander and by the MSB chief physician. The following procedures shall be adhered to:

  • The unit commander shall be responsible for providing space and accessories and for establishing procedures for secure storage and controlled administering of all legally obtained drugs. Such plans, procedures, space and accessories shall include, but not be limited to the following, and shall be included as station orders within this manual:
    • Ensure medication is kept in a locked cabinet or closet
    • Verification of inmate identification (wristband/photo) prior to administering medication
    • Procedures for administering prescription medication shall consist of an entry in the Jailer’s Log Book and e-UDAL indicting the name and medical complaint of the inmate, the medication administered, the time, the dosage and by whom
    • Cardiac medications, psychotropic medications, diabetic medications, tranquilizers, narcotics, and sedatives shall not be administered at station jails. Inmates requiring this type of medication shall not be housed at station jails


If an inmate is in need of dental care, they will be transported to IRC/CRDF. Minor dental complaints may be addressed by furnishing over-the-counter medication. Emergency and non-emergency dental services are available at Type II facilities.


Sick call is to be done on a daily basis. If the inmate asks for over-the-counter medications, which should be on hand, these may be furnished to the inmate. This also applies to minor toothaches, upset stomach, gas or minor stomach burning, diarrhea, or minor cold symptoms.

Should the complaints persist continuously for more than eight hours and/or become more severe, paramedics shall be requested and if necessary the inmate shall be transported to the nearest hospital. Inmate medical complaints shall be logged in the remarks column of the Station Jail Inspection Record and e-UDAL.